Nov 06, 2006 02:34
So, it is two days until the election- one that some promis to be "The Greatest Election"- and I , uh, I think I forgot to register to vote this year.
I woul dlike to call this a simple oversight but more likely I prevented myself from registering to avoid getting hurt again.
Betting behind -REALLY getting behind- John Kerry wasn't easy. He's such a douche, pretentious and every bit as over privelidged as any Bush. But I conviced myself he was a man of principals, I let him be my political man crush for a month or so. And well, that turned out poopy.
So yeah, I hope TABOR doesn't pass. Woodcock is basically out of the race anyway, right? So that would be nice if that Green candidate won beat Baldacci, but whatev.
If the Dems really do take back the house and the Senate....yeah who cares?
It looks like a bunch of the shops that disappeared from The Portland Public Market now have their own place just off of Congress somewhere. How bout that?