STAR TREK 2009!!

May 26, 2009 16:48

So yesterday - and I rarely do this - I went to the movie theatre. I went to the Metreon in San Francisco, and boy has that placed changed over the years. It's much more... depressing. In any case, I paid (well, my boyfriend paid, since it WAS my birthday) 11 WHOLE DOLLARS - you see why I don't go out to the movies ever? ANYWAY... (see, I digress, a LOT) ...

I saw Star Trek, and I fell in love.

So when I was little I used to see the TV show pop up when I'd be browsing throughout whatever ridiculous cartoons I watched at that age. I just never really got into it.

The movie was FABULOUS.

First of all. J.J. Abrams. LOVE HIM. How brilliant can he get before he just... combusts or something?? The overall cinematography was spectacular... I'm a really big fan of coloring (graphic designer, big surprise, right?) and saturation is really important to me in a movie. Especially when you're in outer space and have all that opportunity for breathtaking combinations of colors.

Whoever was casting director. Haha, the entire first half, I was like "Oooh that's so and so from this and that show!!" and it was exciting lol. The first person I recognized was Jennifer Morrison from House, who was Young Kirk's mother, and who was also unfortunately only on screen for maybe 5 minutes. And then there was Zachary Quinto from Heroes (which I am not so much a fan of, but nonetheless...) and he was SPOCK and I was like LOVEEEE. Wynona Rider was Spock's human mother, and JOHN CHO was the pilot dude. Anyway, even if I didn't know them previously, I still thought the entire cast was brilliant :D

So the movie drew obvious connections to Firefly for me - and sorry if this somehow offends anyone. There's the whole outer space thing, on a vessel, adventure, a young Captain who just gets himself into trouble, the relationship between two crew members, etc. I mean, its an obvious gross overstatement... but it just reminded me throughout the movie. Granted, now Star Trek stands alone in my mind without other associations and is still equally fabulous and yayy.

I really do have a thing with emotionally stunted, unavailable and tortured fictitious men. I mean, there's Owen Hunt, of course, and House, and Spock! There are definitely others... I will elaborate on this at a later date x]

Photos! :D

The caps I DL-ed weren't THAT fabulous, unfortunately... but uh, a planet... imploding.

Ughh, love them!! His emotional unavailability is just... intruiging. & its heartbreaking because he obviously loves her, but is just inadequate at expressing it.

It's okay, she loves him anyway, thank god.

Of course, young Captain Kirk. He was kind of annoyingly typical rebellious American kid, though.

I... don't have words.

LOL, that vessel was ridiculous. Hahaha, here it is being destroyed :)

Bahaha, and of course, I could not resist making some icons...





Images from ariane179254  at dj_capslock .

Any other new (or old) Trekkies out there who want to squee with me??
If you haven't seen this yet... go out and see it!! Yeeeee :)

character: spock, pairing: spock/uhura, art: icons, art: picspam, character: nyota uhura, fandom: star trek

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