hodgins/angela/wendell love triangle picspam :P

Jan 17, 2010 02:37

So when I first decided to do a picspam of this episode, I was going to focus on Hodgins, because he was absolutely brilliant and heartbreaking. I've always been an Angela/Hodgins shipper, but while rewatching the episode and sorting through caps, I realized that I wouldn't be doing this situation justice unless I included Wendell and his perspective as well. It would conceptually be easy for me to dislike someone who comes between Angela and Hodgins... but WENDELL, he is such a sweetie.

Angela: Well I thought we were being subtle.
Wendell: Oh man, do you think Hodgins knows?

Angela: You worried about Cam knowing?
Wendell: No, no. I'm worried about Hodgins not knowing... I mean if you were really totally in the past, then we wouldn't be keeping this a secret from him.
Angela: Do you want me to tell Hodgins?
Wendell: If you don't mind, I'd like to tell him myself. He's my friend.

OH WENDELL. I would support you if it were anyone but Angelaaa, why are you so cute and considerate??

Wendell: We're friends, right? I don't lie or keep things from my friends.
[ insert vague luck talk as way of breaking the news :P ]
Wendell: I would never want you to think...
Hodgins: Wendell, stop, stop, stop. It's been over between Angela and me for a long time, and I have moved on. I'm happy for you, and her.

It's oh so obvious that he's not. But man, that moment when Hodgins realizes what's going on.. DD:

This was way too uncomfortable to picspam thoroughly.Poor Hodgy is just trying to get through lunch, which he probably put together to convince himself that all is dandy and fine. Angela is being rather useless, but I guess it's an awkward situation. Wendell seems a bit clueless... or maybe he's just playing it that way. SWEETS CALLS BULLSHIT. ALL OF IT.

I think these break my heart most... when he just sees her around the lab, like a constant reminder of what he had.

Hodgins: I don't know if I want to crawl into a hole and die, or run over Wendell and Angela with a truck.
Sweets: You know, it's natural to have these feelings.
Hodgins: I'm a better man than this. I want to be happy for them, I really do.

Hodgins: What do I do? ...I want to not be filled with anger, pain, resentment. I don't want to be jealous.
Sweets: Do you want Angela back?

Hodgins: So just... smile and act like a good guy?
Sweets: You are a good guy.
Hodgins: You know, there was a time when I thought Angela and I would be together forever. ...Mind if I sit here for a minute?

This is possibly my favorite scene from the episode. Hodgins is just so vulnerable, it makes you want to squeeze him. And Sweets was great, imo (:

Hodgins: I... kind of... got... inspired!

Wendell: I'm next.
Hodgins: I'll shoot you! Whoaaa! That was way too much damage! That blew your head clear off!

This... just LOL. Poor Hodgins... is dealing D:

Angela:You know it's over between Hodgins and me.
Wendell: I think everything is always more complicated than it looks.
Angela: I'm telling you, it's not.
Wendell: Like Dr. Brennan says, no use jumping to conclusions before all the evidence is out.

WENDELL I LOVE YOU IN THIS SCENE. & he says some interesting things... foreshadow, anyone? "Things are more complicated than it looks," "no use jumping to conclusions" ???!!! Hmmmm.

Hodgyyy D: AGHHH.

Caps from burgundy_shoes  | Comments are love ♥
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the episode too! :)

character: wendell bray, art: picspam, fandom: bones, pairing: angela/hodgins

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