My first... the colors are dark and bloody in this pic, they are much nicer now... oh very painful
My 2nd tattoo.. had a new girl do it for free, faded away in a few days, had it redone, outline is all that remained ha so gotta get it done AGAIN by someone who knows whats up... not too painful cuz she didnt go in deep enough with the needle....
My 3rd.. that same new girl did it one week afteri got my foot done, these look like shit, the colors faded so badly adn the outlines are shaky and the whole entire thing just horrible, bigger better wings coming this summer... oh this is a kelly osbourne inspired one...
My 4th.. anotehr kelly osbourne inspired tattoo.. didnt hurt much at all.. was a breeze and one of my favorites.. too bad my arms arent that tan in person
My tattoo i got this week... very fuckin painful.. but my valentines day present to myself :) ....