bitches and hoes

Jan 28, 2006 12:40

I normally don't jump to watch the Sho videos but when Lauren im-ed me of some copying AGAIN i hadda check it out. So wow first mkizzle, and now this...

"any performer dreams to see her name in lights, but the best performer dreams to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a performer"
wow that sounds SO familiar to my DANCE quote that i had in my profile and on every sig. message board...except it's originally-
A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it,
but all she really dreams is to make someone
else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer.
And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

i gotta start copyrighting. clearly that is the same quote..with some bad english attached haha. Man oh man. Yea but it's almost an honor i guess. But really, it's funny that literally every message board i'm on..that's my signature.

funny funny funny. thanks for informing me Laurennnn hahaah
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