it's a bit nice to have internet to be honest, I haven't had it in my room for ages now, so havent updated this for ages.
went on a lovely holiday to france for a week, which was ace. lots of cheap booze. even started a couple of the days with a beer, ice cold, about half an hour after waking up.... only on holiday can you get away with such banter.
today is bound to be a stressful day, I have work at seven, and it's moving day. I am in the lovely north east at the mo, waitin for my Dad to put new tyres on the van, then we're gonna load all my stuff into it, and drive it to leeds. it's only 11:42 now, but I don't wanna go after about half 12 really, cos I wanna get settled in and stuff, and go shopping for plates, and have time to come back and eat before work. doubtful, indeed.
but, nevermind. I suppose I could settle for cano, mmmm pizza....
went out for chinese lastnight, with the family, which was very nice. I love doing family stuff, it's ace. I miss them all loads when I'm in leeds. I mean, I love the independence I have here, especially sometimes when I hear my sister whining about certain things she couldn't do in a family house, like I dunno, have all night parties and get wasted every other night. I'm not saying I do this, or want to do it, but it's just always an option cos I live with friends rather than family. plus, I think that spending time away from them makes me appreciate them all a load more.
I found my old trainers, which is really exciting
I never really used to wear em that much when I was younger, cos I had a favourite pair, so these played kind of second fiddle to my faves, but now, they look really new and ace, and are so cool. I'm excited. they're really comfy too.
can't wait to have a housewarming party in the new abode, it should be ace, what with the garden/conservatory combo, amazing. I won't have internet for a while, not that it matters lately, cos I have hardly been on it, except for yesterday.
and also, I have a shop-floor trial at Lush on tuesday, exciting. provided I don't royally fuck it up, I have a job there, which is double amazing!!!!! I'm gonna have to get another part-time job, another day job, cos I need to leave the pub. it's gonna suck to leave, but I can't stand working nights. nights is for fun!