(no subject)

May 17, 2006 22:27

*is dead*
mareen, you *so* owe me for this.


Man, you gotta love how American films always get it wrong *g*

First: this movie is dumb. and stupid. and not worth the time. Really, idiotic plot all around. And apparently I got the cut version, because it was also entirely lame. 24 has better torture scenes than this movie did.
Also, if the first half is to resemble porn, Eli Roth obviously has never seen any. Man, German commercials show more than you do!

Otherwise I learned a lot of interesting things...
The Dutch apparently speak German. No way do have their own language.
Most of the sick fucks paying to torture other people are Germans who can`t speak German. Man, it's really weird if the American character speaks better German than you do!!!
Also, Germans (or is it Dutch speaking German?) like to eat the meat of their salad with their fingers... because it connects them to the meat. (Man, somebody got a little bit obsessed about that idiot cannibal from around here, me thinks.)
If you cut off the nerves that connect the eye to the brain, you eye socket is leaking weird yellow stuff... must be mustard or something. (also, that eye thing was really badly done. as was all the other graphic stuff.)

Now back to the toilet *cough* Kabinsky (that's what was written on the door).
Dear Americans, there's no the way in hell you'll ever manage to drown somebody in a German toilet (I believe it was supposed to be a German train station), because there's just not enough water to do so - and where there is water, there is no way to put in a head (well, at least not without putting the head through a mixer first). But you could always try to flush your enemy to death. It might work. Also, if person A sits on the (German) toilet to do obvious things, then person B comes in to put his head into the toilet, Person A ends up with a face full of shit. Which actually would have been pretty funny - and much less lame than the ending of this movie.
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