I guess we really never do move on....

Sep 03, 2006 20:19

Hmmm, I haven't had a chance to write lately. With school starting! Yup I said it SCHOOL!! Fucking right I made it back. I am proud of something I did. I work my ass to go back, an I did it!
Then again the other day I had to go to Bangor to take my permit test because I missed one of my classes so I had to make up one in Bangor. But I failed the permit test!! Fucking A, I mean holy hell COMMON SENCE questions. I knew every answer before an AFTER the test. But not during the test because I always blank out during tests. I hate it. I have to back an make up the test Tueday at 4. Directly after school yippie skippy. I really hope I pass it. I have work really hard to get where I am I mean I paid for my own courses. I really don't feel like taking the whole course over again because I failed the test twice. That would suck because I would have to pay 450 dollars again. I would rather not.

....On Another Note....

I just go back from Connetticut today. Made it back about about 4. I went down there for a family reunion. This is family I never even knew existed. lol Everyone kept hugging me telling me how they remember how I was just so little an was nothing but big eyes an curls. An one of my great aunts came up to me an was like "um who are you?". I told her an she was like omg, you were so little the last time I saw you. I can't believe how beautiful you are now. Then she was like your eyes are so pretty. I MEAN this women went on for like ten minutes saying the same thing. It was crazy. Yupper an I meet another uncle. His name was Noel. lol He kept picking on me because I was cold an didn't feel very good, but I was making the best out of it. He nicked named me "Wendy Poppin". It was funny as hell cause another one of my aunt "Aunt Annette" was like is that your real name. Of course she was drunk off her ass. But I guess I can claim Uncle Noel my new favorite uncle. I mean I use to have a favorite uncle that I knew "Uncle Brain" but he prety much disowned me. So yeah what can you do. Mum got pictures of Uncle Noel tickling me to death because he said that I wasn't smiling enough or whatever. He got the whole family to gain up on me. They all kept saying "how pretty I was when I smile" I was like ya sure. Yupper, it was pretty hard remember a hundred an something names of family members. There are just to damn many of them. Haha, torwards the end I was gettting ready to go back to the hotel an this kid was up to me an was like "what's up". He was my third cousin "Luke". It was crazy we talked for a second, an then he was like yah I am either going to get a room at the hotel your in or staying on "Aunt Bernice's" couch. Yup, then we said our goodbyes an he randomly hugged me. It was to funny because I have never even heard his name before. Oh well. I had fun. I was out of state that was the best part. I HATE Maine with a firy burning passion.

.....And Then......

Just like two hours ago Shane Thompson one of my ex's got online an asked me to go to the Harmony fair to hang out. I haven't seen him sence the Sko-twon fair an I didn't even get to hang out with him. It was like a quick hi an then he walked off because he was with friends. It will be awesome to hang out with him then agian kinda hard. Because me being stupid has trouble getting over someone I onced love/ed. Grr, I hate that when that happens.


No one is online, well at least there not talking to me that is. (Not in a bad way, I don't think?) Joey, if your up to it "PLEASE" can we talk? It doesn't even have to be very long just I was to talk. An maybe even try to resolve this. I feel awful that you hate me. I know I am stupid. An a screw up. Believe me when I say I am trying to work everything out so everyone an everything ends up with a happy ending. All I can say is "I am me, me am I". An it's hard changing somethings about me. I do wish that we could be friends again if that is ok? Maybe, someday?

Stupid+Screwup+Trying to hard to make things better an it never works= Me 100,000 times over.

I guess I will write later.

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