Cowgirls + Economics = ?

Nov 01, 2006 08:37

I walked into my Econ class yesterday to hear Dixie Chicks blasting in the room &my prof dressed as a cowgirl. THEN THE DEAN WALKED IN! I'm not even joking. We are so sophisticated in university.

Quite a few kids came trick or treating last night. Usually not a lot of kids come to our house. There was a really cute cow. Most of the kids were just really ungrateful & their costumes sucked. I kind of wanted to kick them.

I think I have overcome my inability to use a photocopier. I was kind of forced to. Now I have mad photocopying skills.

Yesterday, my mom made fun of me because I suck at lighting matches. Sorry I don't smoke & am never in the wilderness needing to make fire.

My work makes me laugh. So I work Thursday nights & all day Saturday pretty much every week. But the days they give me off, they just call me and ask me to come in anyways. Can they not function without me? Seriously. I don't want to work.

The past two mornings I've had to scrape ice off my car. I hate scraping ice. A lot.

End of pointless entry.
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