What's new in my life? Nothing.
I go to school. I come home from school & do school work. Sometimes I go to work. Last night work was fun because all the good people were there. How often do you walk into a room and somebody screams your name? It happens to me all the time, haha. I probably spent more time catching up with people than actually working. It's not my fault people are getting married.
Monday midterm went alright. I was writing so fast I don't really remember what I did. Thursday midterm was super easy. Didn't even study for that one. It was at 8am too. Impressive.
My mom took me out for lunch today when I got home from school. ♥.
I paid my visa bill this morning. No ♥.
Yesterday was pay day. ♥.
I don't make a lot of money anymore. No ♥.
No work this weekend! Because I'm studying instead. I pretty much grounded myself. I'd rather work, but then I'd be royally effed since:
Monday: French midtern at 12pm-1pm, Econ midterm at 7pm-9pm.
Tuesday: Poli Sci midterm 9:30am-10:30am, Accounting midterm 7pm-9pm.
I guess I have to drive back & forth to school four times on Tuesday. Awesome.
There's a couple of people that I really miss & haven't seen in a while. They know who they are ♥.
I would like to get really drunk next Friday &/or Saturday. I will need to celebrate & possibly emotionally drink depending on how the week goes. Any takers?
My GM just called me to see if I wanted to work. He started out by calling me his favorite cashier & then said he'd give me something "extra sweet" if i came in tonight. But I said no. Then he told me that I was no longer his favorite cashier. Broken heart, right here.
I need to take my camera off of my desk. I'll be studying & then I just start playing with my camera. Loser.
That's a long ponytail.
Peace out G's.