New years resolution.. or is it a Revolution?

Jan 06, 2007 08:33

So this is a really REALLY late entry for my last couple of months. Christmas was wonderful. We were so broke this year we were only supposed to buy Shanley presents this year, but I snuck around and got Nikki the "Friends" Scene It game and she bought me a new shirt that is all fancy and I can wear it to work. Even though money was tight Shanley wracked up.. Santa Claus blessed us with a Dora the Explorer TV/DVD player that way Dora DVDs don't have to be watched in the living room anymore. My parents were in from travel nursing so we got to spend a lot of time with them over the past 2 weeks. They got me and Nikki a new video camera (since we busted ours when it tried to eat a tape of Shanley at 6 months old) which they gave to us on Christmas eve that way we could tape Shanley on Christmas morning. We also got a gift card to Target which we used to buy Guitar Hero I and II. Oh my gosh those are the 2 coolest games on the market right now!! I haven't mastered the game buy a long shot though, I can play on medium to hard but once it comes to expert I lie down in the floor and cry.. it gets CRAZY!!

No big plans for New Years. Nikki and I stayed up by ourselves and watched Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve. After the ball dropped we went to bed (what's lame is we watched the ball drop on the east coast and decided that was late enough to stay up). We ended up making it to our midnight though, we stayed up and talked for an hour about random things. My new years resolution is to train for a Tae Kwon Do circuit that Mr. Froman found. He found 3 different circuits and we haven't decided which one we are going to compete on. It doesn't matter, I'll fight in whichever one he says we are going to compete on.

Speaking of TKD though, lots of different thigns going on in that regard. Besides the circuit, we also moved a weight bench (olympic style) and a multistation weight machine up to the school. Mr. Froman and I put it together, so we'll just hope that it holds together. He is also thinking about buying the old WFAC building and moving his TKD school to the back 2 rooms (some crazy bird lady is in one and a church just moved out of the other) which would give him A LOT more room for work out equipment, dressing rooms, etc. etc. He is thinking about remodeling the part of the building that was used for wrestling and promoting his own wrestling show. He asked me if I minded helping and of course I said I would love too. We have been bouncing ideas off of eachother but nothing is set in stone yet. He still has to figure out if there is money in it (which I think there is as long as you run a good family show, they didn't always do that at WFAC and it ran off a lot of the crowd).

Oh yeah and I take state boards next Thursday. I think I may begin to panic soon.

Alright I think that is enough for now. Maybe I will update again sooner than 3-4 weeks.

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