Total number of fandoms I like:
Depends on how you define fandom. Like Leanne, I only am into HP fanfic and fanstuff. But I still fangirl other things. So...HP, LotR, PotC, Star Wars, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, ASOUE, Heroes.
My first fandom ever:
Probably Harry Potter. But if you want to get really technical, definitely We Sing (yeah Mar!) and Barney.
My most recent fandom:
Er...Heroes. Tres interessant, it is.
Five fandoms that currently mean a lot to me: (Ha, I don't think I can make this).
1. Harry Potter - Pretty self-explanatory, no?
2. LOST - OMG I was ticked when I found out that they aren't playing anything til Feb. But I watched and theorized religiously.
3. Heroes - It's a good show, and I like it, and it's got suspense, which is enough for me to download it every week :).
4. LoTR - Ok, so it's not currently important to me, but I fangirl the movies like chocolate and yeah. I was obsessed for a good bit of time. And I got through the books pretty fast. So yeah.
5. PoTC - This still means a lot to me. Brings back good times with my best friend who moved to South Carolina and who I haven't really spoken to for a while. We watched CoBP at my house the first time she slept over and we ate pasta and cold apple pie and rummaged around for coconuts. And we shamelessly adored Johnny and Orlando.
And I went to see DMC with my friends at my summer camp thing - and before we went, my friend D. , he was like, who wants to see PotC, it's so stupid. And I got him in there and got him out and I had converted him. Powerful feeling, it was.
Right, I tag:
ressie_noldo pandafan81 hauntedsouls03 (LJ is such a distraction...)