everyone else is doing it...

Feb 08, 2008 20:20

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What song/movie would you recommend to electricmessiah? Cloverfield, if he hasn't seen it yet
2) If tastytaste took over the world, who would be happy? ME!!! I'd be second in command of the World!
3) Where was madamefoxx born? Somewhere in the central valley, i think
4) Did jmgrimmer break up with you? umm, no
5) Does munahafise have a dog? not last time i saw her
6) If 27outs was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Hillary Clinton ;)
7) Would you ever date dicedork? Hmm, I don't think so
8) What languages does tastytaste speak? Italian
9) Does impliedconsent travel a lot? not lately
10) What would you do if you found out ratontheroad has a crush on you? first i'd be surprised, then contemplate my next move ;)
11) Do you have shannybug's screenname? YES
12) Is electricmessiah related to you? no
13) electricmessiah's eye color? um... I am a terrible person, I don't know !
14) How long have you known 27outs? about 7 years
15) What is electricmessiah's shoe size? 13, i think, he's tall
16) Has satyrboy356 dyed their hair? bleached, yes, dyed, not that I recal, but probably
17) Is linkyblank in a relationship? not that I know of
18) Do jmgrimmer and tastytaste go to the same school? nope
19) What is vonnegut_5 allergic to? ignorance
20) One quality you find attractive in ratontheroad? dedication
21) Is persaphone 1337? what does that even mean?
22) If facepuller were hanging off a cliff, what would madamefoxx do? point and laugh, then figure out a way to help him
23) What rank would necrotoxica have in a giant robot army? Umm, giant robot army? she's human, so either salve or emperor, it's really a toss up ;)
24) One thing you can't stand about dw33b? he has no hair!!! ;)
25) Which of your friends should sunajus go out with? um... Michelle, duh
26) Has shannybug been to your house/dorm? yes
27) What would persaphone do differently in your shoes? probably trip a lot, my feet are a lot bigger than hers
28) Are 27outs and crazyairy going steady? not as far as i know
29) Does playapepper have a crush on dancingshaman? you know, she might
30) Is facepuller dead sexy? OMG!!!!
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