Haven't you heard im the new cancer? [[i've never looked better - AND YOU CAN'T STAND IT]]

Jan 14, 2007 17:45

Well hola mon petites tortues!
How are we all? Good? Graaaand.

"there's a face... next muffin."

I feel uber sick. I think this is my hangover finally kicking in from last night K@-Face. :| Either that or from the distinct lack of food i've had today. *ponders*
It's all good though, Spaghetti Bolognaise for tea. *dies*


Last night was pretty damn good. Me and K@-Face on the sauce, accompanied by a legendary Ross Noble, banter and a good many photo op's. And of course a very drunken McGuigan at the back of 1. Nice.
There's normally a Niblet and a Mellish also, but both had prior engagements. Biznitches. HAH.
Apparently i was hugging poor K@ in my sleep. I'm so unbelievably sorry that i am such a fud-face and feel the need to spread the love during my unconscious state.
Deary me ...

"I'm in ... yer maw. HAH."

I'm failing Life at this moment in time. I wish it was just a class i could redo next year. Unfortunately, the bastard supposedly upstairs dressed in white doesn't wish to give me that luxury. Unconditional love my sack.
- Adv. Higher French isn't going to plan. I PURE want to drop it, considering it's a blatant waste of my time and life, and I could be stressing over something much more worthwhile. Like those poor paralysed frogs in Vietnam.
- Sociology is a joke. PERIOD.
- And Business Spanish just happens to be the best thing going at the moment, which also happens to be the only class I don't sit an exam in, and instead we get whisked off to Barcalona for the week. And go to IBM to talk to hot foreign guys. My kind of class indeed!

"Tell him to suck my chocolate salty balls."

Certain people are irritating the damn life out of me...
- YOU need a grip of yourself. Seriously.
- YOU need to admit you're wrong. For once in your life. But you are the most stubborn person to walk this earth, so i'm not holding out much hope.
- YOU are a shit stirrer, and I hope you fall under a blazing bus carrying TNT.

"...the plate will disintegrate... a small elephant & a giraffe that can't cough..."

I'm sort of worried as well. About someone. They have this oppertunity and I hope they don't enjoy the perks a little too much. :[
I'd feel so shit, srsly.
And something doesn't quite feel right with this. I need to sort that out in my damn noggin for a damn start.


OK, i'm done :]


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