Jul 18, 2002 13:29
HeLLo TheRe
ThiS WeeK iS My VaCaTioN WeeK...see i was supposed to be going to tennessee this week to visit my grandpa but things happened that made that undoable..so i decided to still act like we were going so that i wouldnt have to go to work this week..cuz i mvery very lazy.. nothin interesting so far during my "vacation" i went to tiffy's house yesterday..around like 830 (early as fuck) cuz my mom was my only ride so we had to leave early..when we got there we just talked alittle and then both fell asleep...my little sister came too cuz she didnt wanna be alone at home
then all of a sudden i hear them screaming " FIRE!! FiRE!!! JUSTINE GET UP THERES A FIRE!!!!!!!!!" man iwas sleeping all good and reaming about ice cream when they did that shit to me...i freaked out..i got up and my eyes were like HGUE and i made this weird face cuz they woke me up hahahah i was so pissed...they startedcrackin gup..my ass was alreayd at the door like 2 seconds after they screamed fire and they were laughing at me ....i was soooo mad..they are mean...u cant do that to somebody man especially when theyre dreaming about ice cream and sleeping SOOOOO GOOD! ughh! i couldve killed them man
hahaha i gotta admit it was pretty funny the way i reacted but still...they pissed me off
so then we went to her pool and chilled for a little bit and...hmm.we mostly talked alot about fake ppl and how everyone in our elementary school was doing...
i was surprised about alot of the thing i heard..and the way ppl changed so much.me.. im stil the same way i have been ever since elementary school and my whole life im not sure ill ever change lol but umm so ne ways we went back to her house and i signed her door really big (cuz im special) haha i love her room uz like she has all these pictures everywhere and ppl sign and write all over her room with markers its tyte
i used to live with her in 6th grade it was fun...herdad is the koolest...aww i got a picture of my dog lol its a funnie one...hahaha
im gonna put her pic instead of mine for this entry aww shes soo cute hahaha she cracks me up ...my baby!!!!! ok well ne ways..ERIKAS BDAY IS COMING UP...JUULY 23rd so u guys gotta get her somethin ok???? she mite have a party also so if u r interested everyone is invited unless we hate u..hahaha..so if u need the info hit one of us up okay??
my email--> XjUsTiNeX05@aol.com
erikas email---> xPiNaYx723@hotmail.com
holler back youngins