Oct 24, 2004 21:07
Well I stole this from Hannah, who stole it from Lara. Because Im just as bored. I found something to do for like a half hour today, and almost died. I hung out with Drew, whom I havent seen in a lonnnng time and his friend Alec drove like a frickin idiot. 100 down grand river...oyyy.
---Top 7 Things I Love---
>1. Music
>2. Friends
>3. Being Busy
>4. Always having someone to relate to/talk to
>5. Food
>6. Guitar
>7. Kissing
---Do You---
>Cut yourself: No
>Take meds you shouldnt: No
>Lick yourself: Continuously
>Whine a lot: Sometimes
>Yell a lot: not really
>Hate a lot of people: nope
>Have too many friends: no
>Want to die: sometimes but then I get over it in the next few minutes
>Believe in life after death: Yes
>Have sex: No
>Smoke: No
>Do drugs: No
>Wear dark colors: sometimes
>Try to be different: No
>Have any piercings: 3 in my ears
>Break bones a lot: Never Have
>Watch porn: once in a great while
>Dye your hair: no
---Have you ever----
>Kissed someone: Yes
>Frenched someone: Yes
>Attempted suicide: No
>Killed someone: Fuck Yeah all the time
>Been raped: that too
>Shopped for condoms: no
>Gotten Drunk: Yes
>Talked on the phone for over 3 hours: Way Longer
>Left the country: No
>Taken nude pictures: No
>Taped yourself having sex: homemade porn yeaaaah who doesnt?
>Stolen something: Yes but only makeup a couple times
>Ran away from home: No, well once when I was 7 I walked down the street and didnt tell my parents...
>Burned yourself: Not 3rd degree or anything
>Caught something on fire: Yes
>Cheated on someone: Yes
>Wanted to cheat on someone: Yes
>Asked someone out: I honestly dont remember. I dont do it often.
>Been dumped: Yes
>Dumped someone: Yes
>Had a dream then the next day it happens: I dont think so
>Called a porn hotline: No
---Pick One---
>Cat/Dog: Dog
>White/Black: Black
>Hot/Cold: Hot
>Far/Near: Near
>Water/Land: Water
>Kiss/Sex: Kiss
>Online/Phone: Both
>Novel/Poetry: Both
>Music/Silence: Music!
---Your Perfect mate---
>Short/Long Hair: Medium
>Tall/Short: Tall
>Preppy/Dorky/Druggie: Those all suck! Be Yourself.
>Freckles/No Freckles: Depends on the person. Freckles can be cute.
>Hair Color: Dark is better but once again it depends on the person
>Fat/Thin: Thin
>Eyes: I like green/blue but I also like those dark brown eyes :)
>Holding hands/Holding other body parts: Hands
---Last person---
>You Touched: Drew I guess
>You Talked to:My sister
>You Hugged: Drew
>You Kissed: Matt- a while ago
>You Instant messaged: Pete
>You Yelled at: Drew
>You had sex with: myself
>You told you loved: My dad cuz Dave made me
>You hung out with: Drew and Alec
---Are you---
>Understanding: Yes
>Open-minded: Very
>Insecure: Yes
>Interesting: Am I?
>Hungry: Always
>Smart: When I try, which isnt often
>Moody: Not usually
>Childish: If Im in the mood
>Mature: For the most part
>Organized: Yes
>Healthy: I hope
>Emotionally Stable: Not really
>Shy: Depends on the person/situation
>Difficult: Not usually
>Attractive: I dont think Im ugly I wouldnt go so far as to say Im attractive
>Bored Easily: Very
>Messy: Yes, yet organized, in a weird way
>Thirsty: Most of the time
---Describe Your---
> Wallet - Just have a purse- anything you could ever need I have in there
> Toothbrush - Its purple and little kid size because the dentist says my mouths too little for a big kid one. Im totally serious too.
> Pillow cover - Yellow
> Blanket - Really old and ugly but its the most comfortable in the house
> Coffee cup - Extra tall Starbucks :D
> Sunglasses- I have like 6 pairs. Brown, blue, green...
> Favorite top - I have no idea. I really enjoy my zip up Slit hoodie
> CD in stereo right now - Hardcore and Emo mix.
> What you are wearing now - Zip up hoodie haha, jeans, converse
> Hair - Just thrown up
---WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)---
> In my mouth - Orbit wintermint gum- the best
> In my head - Not much. Laughing at how stupid my annymous friends are for making fun of people
> Wishing- That I could drive!
> After this - I'll be on here a while.
> Talking to - Pete/Dave, TJ
> Eating - Nothing
> Person you wish you could see right now - Cameron
> Is next to you - My faithful acoustic
> Something you're looking forward to in this upcoming month - Cameron coming to michigan
> Something that you are deathly afraid of - Of never knowing what wouldve happened if I'd have done something, amputation
> Do you like candles - Yes
> Do you like hot wax - I dont know
> Do you like incense - <3
> Do you like the taste of blood- No
> Do you believe in love - I havent decided
> Do you believe in soul mates - No theres too many people in the world. And what happens when theres an odd number huh?
> Do you believe in love at first sight - I believe in lust at first sight
> Do you believe in forgiveness - Yes
> Do you believe in God - Yes
> What do you want done with your body when you die - Cremated maybe
> If you could have any animal for a pet - geraffe. i cant spell sorry
> What is the latest you've ever stayed up - all night long baby
> Ever been to Belgium - who goes to belgium??
> Can you eat with chopsticks - yes, actually very well
> What's your favorite coin - Quarter dimes are pretty cool too haha
> What are 2 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - I dont know, somewhere not too busy but miles away from busyness does that make sense?
> What are some of your favorite pig out foods - Candy, cream of rice lol
> Whats something that you wish people would understand - That I say alot of stupid shit on accident out of being insecure but after a while when you get to know me I think Im alot more fun to hang out with.
> What's something you wish you could understand better - I wish I could tell what people are feeling. Im not very good at guessing feelings
> Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - Cameron Ayers, all my cousins :(