the mike wofford experience... ya know like the jeff corwin experience but less fun....

Mar 28, 2005 06:33

Yeah so last night.... ummmm actually saturday night I tried to be captain save an addict... and so begins my story...
Friday night I had to work from 9:30pm to 6am. Okay... cool I'll be working the same exact hours as Denise (one of my friends at work...), thats cool maybe we'll be able to take a break together or something... oh shit I have to work with Ray too (someone that doesn't do much but read magazines)! Oh well Denise and I will be too busy prolly so I don't really ahve to be bugged by him. So I go into work... having an alright day so far. I get there the stupid cunt bitch (I'm goign to from here on out refer to her as SCB)Denise G. (my "supervisor's supervisor...aka service lines leader)is there, I can't stand her, she has soemthing against me... so that kinda gets me down. She says something about me being late or whatnot... I'm like whatever adn kinda ignore her... Well I'm working for about a hour maybe a little bit more and Denise (the one I like)comes up to me and says "they need someone to go to the gas station (for those who do not know Meijer has a gas station), they want Martian to go but hes about to punch out and go home so I don't know who thier gunna have do it but it sucks for them thats not my problem." A few minutes later she comes up to me and says that they're making her go (they meaning SCB). Mind you she is the Service Cordinater for the night. I am like "WHAT?!?!?! No!!!! Then I'm going home, I AM NOT WORKING "UNDER" RAY!!!!" She was like "I don't know what to do!" I was like "I'm fucking telling Denise that thats bullshit! Send Ray!" So I walk up to Denise and say (in front of the person from a different store that shes "training")... "What are you doing? Do not send Denise to the gas station... if you do I'm going home". She goes on to say that I can't go home blah blah blah she has the authority to make that desision...blah blah blah. I'm like "Then I'm sick!". "You have to let me go home." She say that she doesn't and all that jazz. I'm very pissed but I go back to UScan and huff and puff you know whatever gripe under my breath... yadda yadda. WELL a few minutes later this OTHER STUPID girl, Linda (shes gunna SC til she goes home , which they were gunna have her stay til 2:30am)comes up to me and is like "Denise wants to talk to you". So I tell her, "well tell her to come over here cause theres nobody to run UScan". Then she says" I'll do it" (shes posta be pulling drawers, and putting them into 2maro mode). So I'm like whatever and I walk over to Denise. Well she calls the Store Directer for overnights, Warner, and has him meet us up at front and we procede to go to the office. I'm like OHHHHH SHIT WHAT DID I DO NOW?!!?!?!?! I've been in "her" office like 3 times in the past few weeks, and the last time I was about to be suspended for insubordination, oh and the time before that too! So I think I'm definatly getting canned now! So we walk into the office... THEY CLOSE THE DOOR! Yikes! And she goes on about how shes my "supervisor's supervisor" blah blah blah. Oh and she she HAD to comment on my TINY... I mean TINY nose piercing! Says I'm being insuborinate for wearing it... um... hello bitch did you fail to realize the other FOUR facial piercings you wanted me to take out are fucking out!?!?!?!? Nope guess not! I did't say that though. But I did tell her that I think it was a stupid desison to put Denise over in the gas station... when we NEED her! I also told them that I'll end up doing ALL the work (filling the carosals with bags, sweeping the lanes, washing the conveyer belts, cleaning/polishing ALL the crome at the front of the store... on the lanes, AND mth [which is merchandise, trash, and hangers...) off all the lanes. Like 3 people's work. So she actually had the nerve to say.... you ready for this????...."Well your getting paid aren't you, isn't that your job?" I was like "Oh hell no! I get paid $6.15 an hour... to do one person's work.... not 3 are you gunna give me $18 an hour?" She was like No! So I was very pissed by then.... OH AND she told Warner that I can't go home.... if I'm sick I have to stay... OR I LOOSE MY JOB!!!! Wtf stupid cunt bitch! So then after some more blah blah blah she said "you're excused". I went back to UScan. Warner said he'd "talk to Ray". So the night goes on I OF COURSE end up doing EVERYTHING!!!!! Plus some by myself! It utterly REDICULOUS!!! Never again will I do that! So I get home.... I'm drained.... just want to go to sleep but can't because Matt and I had to go pick my brother and his crazy girlfriend up later on (a few hours later) to go visit my Dad in PORT Huron. So we did. I had lots of fun... I got to color eggs (I love my sister), find plastic ones and lil bunnies my sister made (I love my sister again!!!!), spend time with her, my dad  my stepmom, my borther, his girlfriend, my cousin... Its was really cool. We like I said colored eggs... (had easter baskets), did the little hunt... but we also played a game of basketball. That was a lot of fun. I miss my dad and sister... My sister is the best sister ever!!!!!!! We eventually had to leave tho... :o(

So on the way bakc we're listening to some of my old music and I'm kinda reminising... then I ask Cody (my brother) if he remembers my friend/boyfriend Scott. Hes liek I don't know..."was he ther when you taught me how to smoke weed?" I was like WTF?!?!?!!? I TAUGHT YOU!!!????!!!!??? That floored me that I did that and I didn't remember. Wtf? And I tell him all the time that he shouldn't smoke weed. God I'm such a good sister. That made me feel liek crap! Then a song by DMX comes on, one that I listened to OVER AND OVER after I got out of the hospitol for trying to "kill myself". So it reminded me of that so I start to cry a little bit. Mid you I'm still running on no sleep. We drop them off and I'm thinking that we're gunna go to my homegroup (meeting for those who might not know). Nope I say to Matt something like yay meeting time! And hes like "to be honest I don't feel like going to a meeting... I want to be there when my dad gets home... we're supposed to hang out". I was pissed and was like whatever.... I didn't know we were posta hang out with him.... Oh well... life goes on I guess... so we go "home"... dad is nowhere around... Matt calls him... he said he'd be home in an hour... we wait.... no dad. THEN I get a phone call from a 517 area code... I immediately know who it is.... fucking MIKE WOFFORD! I'm thinking oh God... I hope hes okay and clean... I talk to him for a little bit then I relaize that he needs to talk to Matt! He says he needs someone to talk to... he wants us to drive out to Lansing (bout an hour or more away... our state's capitol ) and "have coffee". So we really have nothing to do... so Matt calls his dad, lets him know he has a sponcee emergency (which isn't a lie becasue Mike asked him to be his sponsor a while ago) and we had to go... so we drive ALL the way there pick him up at some Mobil (gas station) he puts $5 in the tank and says if we drive up the road to another one he'll put more in.... hustle in other words... Matt's like no nevermind dude, (I guess Mike told Matt that he'd give $20 for gas). So I said since we drove all the way out here I want to see the capitol building... (I love monuments and stuff like that). We drive by there.... its beautiful! Meanwhile I'm starving... I only had a sandwich from Burger King before we even left Detroit to go to Port Huron... so we FIND a 24 hour place to eat... the waitress there was a bitch, prolly becasue Mike is wearing a University of Michigan hat in fucking Lansing Michigan!!!!... and sit and prepare to do some helly 12 step work...and I mean WORK! It was so emotionallt draining it wasn't even funny.... I DO NOT WANT HIM TO DIE because of this disease I love the kid! He is so scared shitless of going to prison... which is prolly gunna happen if he doesn't get clean or die int he meantime... and if he doesn'e go to his court date thursday... which I doubt he will... he'l prolly catch more cases. I miss hangin out with him so that was good but he was high... (he told us before we came out he had 32 days clean...but we knew better), so that was bad.... I went into capain save an addict mode and was thinking of everyway possible to "save" him and get him clean... cause you know I can... yeha riiight he has to do it on his own.... but Matt and I were actually contiplating having him come homw with us... thank god Matt's dad was home for Easter adn he doesn't like him or Mike would be here. Then we were trying to think where he could go... cause we definalty weren't gunna leave him in Lansing.... (oh by the way did I mention Mike is gunna be a dad in 2 months?!?!?! Yeah he is... poor kid!).... so Mike says he can go to his Aunt somebody's house... so we proceed to drive him there. On the way he mentions my kinda friend Shannon,a dn my immediate though was like WHOA THERES OUR ANSWER he can stay there for a couple days!... Thats when I relized that I was gunna start using my character defect manipulation to enable some dope fiend.... granted hes my friend... but none the less enabling. so I immediatly call my sponsor cause I relize I've gone past the line... I was getting too involved, I was putting MY recovery on the line! So I cried... literlly cried to my sponsor about it with Matt and Mike  in the car... Mike felt bad though because I was kinda blunt like Shannon. She said basically what the fuck are you doing you need to save Nicole don't worry about other people yadda yadda yadda...all the stuff I needed to hear... maybe might've not WANTED to hear but definalty NEEDED to hear! She said that we needed to just drop him off at the hospitol or the next corner... which he didn't like but... I was gunan do... (Matt was driving)... so I call around to a few hospitols and the only one that would take him for the night is St. Mary's. So thats where we went. We get there I have to piss liek a race horse so we go in I know he got high in the bathroom... and we got to check him ina dn stuff and the stupid doctor says that they are gunna bill him a couple hundred bucks... but he doesn't have to pay it right then... it would just be a bill... I would have stayed... he didn't want to so I was gunan just leave him (kinda...amybe take him somewhere else like a motel or shelter) btu Matt decides hes gunan take him to his Aunt's house..... WTF I was like okay well I'm not a part of this this is not my program this is not what I want to do.... so we take him.... but on the way Matt stops and buys him some doughnuts and a toothbrusha nd toothpaste and gives him some deodorant and we drop him off at his aunt's. I hop e he stayed there and got into treatment or he goes to his courtdate.... I love him! I don't want him to die! Its was so incredibly emotianally draining... cause I have a "history" with him hes not jsut like some other addict that needs the program. AND YES LADIES AND GENTALMEN I DID ALL THIS ON NO ABSOLUTLY NO SLEEP!!!! We didn't get home til like almost 2am. I was up for 36 hours before I went to bed... yuck! So that leaves me with work last night.... which wasn't bad at all... I got to go home early to boot! Then  I cam "home" and went to Ram's Horn... wrote some of my 8th step, talked to one of the girls that works there that goes to meetings, ate soem cheese fries, then came home and started to write this.... its not exactly 8:30 am. I started typing all this at about 6am.... (course I had some smoke breaks, talked to Matt's dad a lil bit and my grandma on the phone, watched a lil bit of t.v so I wasn't typing the whole time!)... but all in all I had a VERY productive weekend.... worked i.e. made money, seen my family, helped the sick and suffering/got to hang out with an old friend, spent time with Matt, got to kinda know my bros gf Heather, reminised, cried, let go of some things, wrote some more on my eighth step.... AND ladies and gentlemen I DIDN'T USE! I rock! LOL!!!! Now I'm gunna finish eating my lasangna and meat sauce (microwave meal), take a shower and go to bed! Chiao for now! AND PLEASE OF YOU READ THIS PRAY FOR MY FRIEND MIKE..... PRAY HIS ASS UP IN NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS!!!!!
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