May 12, 2005 20:00
2daii was the usual. got 2 skool prettii earlii cuz mii bro had an IB test -nd couldn't b late. had a chapter exam in 4 B's in that. -nd some kids from beganhoe's (however the fcuk u spell her name lol's.) came to our class. after the test we juss. worked on our hw which i ended up finsihin. thnk god! noo homework for me this weekend!! soo happy! wow me -nd this girl stephanie didn't kno where to go 4 4th period. we werent shure if we were suppose to go 2 the other german class or to our usual class. but since there was IB testin we went to our other german class but then i saw mii broo -nd i was like wut thee?? isnt he supposed to b testin. soo i asked him -nd he sed they were done..soo we went bakk to the other class..on our waii we saw some kids from our class sayin..turn round go to raitzsch (which is our other german teacher) soo we turned bak round then some girl sed told the other girl i was with that she had to go 2 streeter -nd give this girl a hw she i went w/ her..then we went bak upstairs to our other class -nd sarah sed that we're in the library..bak round we go..we finally get 2 our class but had no teacher for the first 20 mins. of class. we juss. chilled -nd watched TV haha. unfortunately our teacher came uggh. played games most of class -nd reviewed for our final. lunch was prettii borin. chilled with dustin. the beginning of lunchh then listened to ale's ipodd. sashaa called me overr while mojo was bringin lawrence over (i had no idea wut was goin on)..i go over to sasha -nd she takes out her money i was likee im guessin. u want me 2 go w/ u to buy food shes likee yeee ooh -nd b preparedd mojo's bringin lawrence over.. WOWW! they interrupted me from listenin to the ipod juss. for that haha. chek this outt not onlii did they set me up..but then decide to leavee me w/ himm alone! (roll eyes) they're soo dumb..i sed bye to him -nd left bak to mii spott. haha their plan didn't work for me sorrii. english did the usual journals..then people presented there snippet..we worked on some ques. in our journals the rest of class..but mii group had alredii finished sooo we juss. chilled the rest of class. didn't have to go 2 practice 2daii!!! soo 2 takee the longest napp -nd watch mii novela which i havent watched for the longestt..damnn i needed that real badlii. have no homework to do!!!! time 2 RELAX!
x33. `luhv.stephii'
PS: yesterdaii we dissected a frog in bio. it was funnn!! WOW it stunkk! ill post up pics. of it laterr.