Well, I finally made a halfway decent mix. It's not great, but it's better than my previous two attempts.
Trial Mix I was going for a sort of low key electro mix.
Now, I know the transition between what would be track 3 and 4 is ass (I haven't figured out how to make individual tracks yet). I got ansty and started too early. Also, I threw on the last two tracks sort of at the last moment to bring the energy up. I hadn't put any of those together before, so it's a little rougher. Also, that irritating ground buzz is still there, since I haven't solved that little problem. Very evident at the beginning, but it sort of fades to the background once the music really starts. I don't know where the levels are. It might be too quiet. I haven't heard it on my ipod yet.
Anyway, if any of you guys are curious, give it a listen. I'd appreciate the feedback.