Oct 08, 2006 03:59
Well things are definitly going all crazy up here in point. I got a job at this place called Banta. they package lots of things but I've been putting together blood testing kits for people with diabeaties. really boring and its usually 10 hour days lots of times 8 hours on sat sometimes 8 hours sun. they have no benifits. It all around sucks. It sucks so bad that I decided to quit a week ago. my last day will be the 14th. Which is good considering I start at sentry insurance on the 16th. Im going to be a office clerk. They sent me a package outlining forms to fill out and what not. It included this thick book on benifits Im going to recive. Now all I have to do is get some clothes. They require bussness casual.
Krystal is also doing well. She recently got a new job at Toppers so everyone needs to order from there and tip well. What? you don't live in point? well you should come visit and then order from toppers and tip well.
Oh I almost forgot. Krystal was really nice and cooked up some brats. She however only cooked them half way so we could finish them on the grill(I knew full well of this, and must have forgoten) I grabed a brat two fridays ago and ate it right out of the fridge. Im just now starting to feel better. went to the doc on....last wed. he said im fine but have to eat fruits and vegies till my stomach calmes down. today I was eating topper sticks so im almost comepltly better.
Im also thinking of buying a new car. I was thinking toyota.
Damn neighbors are fighting again. whenever I hear them fighting all I ever think about is how well me and krystal get along. I really love her. she helps me so much. we share things not argue over them like babies. and talk things out rather than yell. anyway I still have dishes to do.