Feb 27, 2006 14:02
well im back at waxdale. I forgot what working 3rd is like. im still loopy as that bird with the fruit stuff. but ill be doing fine once I slip into a schedule that is somewhat continuative. Krystal now has two cats. reba and one she is looking for a name for. its cute but rather hyper. we all went up to manitawoc (apologies for the spelling)last weekend for her b-day. I had a really good time. her family is all really nice. well insults fly a bit but its all in good fun. hell ive taken more than that from people I consider best friends. but I must admit im doing really well. at least I will be once my schedule works out. oh and my leg stops hurting. I messed it up the other day. pulled something or other. I never realised how much I use it at work. dump a box on the conveyer, pop it up with knee. dump a garbage can? help lift with foot. Its also wierd that all the things I did easily are now somewhat dificult. must be out of shape. anyway take care all I shall be around someplace.