Apr 20, 2005 01:31
Or is it both? Today is now April 20th. It's just a day in the month, to me making it "officially" Late April, a Wednesday, Hump Day.
But 4/20?
I swear I'm going to get a secondhand high on my own fucking floor, never mind in Southwest. If you look carefully, you'll see a large cloud hovering over Upper Central in the late afternoon tomorrow. I wish I could hold my breath and carry out my day without having to deal with this mess. Or better yet, not even have this problem. But as long as UMass harbors the worst student body this state has to offer, from washed-out jocks around Southwest to those disgusting hippies on the Hill, there will be more marijuana that UMPD could deal with if they raided each and every room on campus. This campus is too liberal for any action tomorrow. I mean, downtown Amherst is hosting Extravaganja, think what that means. Downtown Amherst, I said. Like the town is supporting THC or something. It's one thing that makes me want to puke and count down the days until I graduate, the liberalism I mean.
Speaking of which, Thursday is this proposed "walk-out" of classes all across campus, where everyone shouts and make fools of themselves, and "demand" more "rights" like they even deserve any. GEO thinks they're being targeted and student group leaders are convinced the administration is out to get them and take away "control" of their groups. Like the Cannabis Reform Coalition, the Radical Student Union, ALANA, MassPIRG and VOX. These are groups on campus, my friends. The best and brightest run these useful organizations, but when you boil them all down one thing remains: angry, screaming liberals demanding "rights." I consider myself pretty lucky to be here and I don't need anyone to tell me what "rights" are being "taken" away from me. There are none, it's just a matter of opinion. Being at UMass is a privelege, along with everything else they provide; so is having SGA, a newspaper for all those awful columns, or even student groups. They want to run things their way, which really is without much uniformity in organization, misappropriation of funds, and little discipline in their administration. For example, ALANA was televised storming Dr. Gargano's office and repeatedly saying how they were tired of his "blah blah blah's," whatever the hell that meant. He chuckled, probably because of how pitiful they all looked, like there really was a crisis at hand. All there was at hand was that he wasn't answering inquiries about diversity or KKK-9 right away for THEM. I'd be pissed off if a bunch of kids interrupted my morning and kept me from helping THEM out. What a bunch of bullshit.
Side note: buying local food supplies is more expensive than what we get now. Farmers will want to charge higher prices because they'll know they can, and in effect cause us to have less available to them. It's not fluff, it's economics. Besides, the only people who want this live in Central. They can just go to Trader Joe's or something if they have to. Don't compromise Dining Services' duty to feed the ENTIRE student body.
Then there's the Cannabis Reform Coalition, enough said.
VOX is about students gathering around and making up reasons why abortion is okay and why everyone should "take control" of their bodies.
Then there's this boycott thing. Telling us to skip classes that we all pay to attend. Whatever gives these people like Shannon Keller the justification to tell us to drop everything for the grad students is beyond me. I'd rather see the school take control over these groups because they really don't know what's going on. It's like how the liberals oppose privatization of social security. It's because they aren't willing to learn how to save for the future; they want someone else to take their hand and do it for them. Yet they think they know what they're doing when they take university money and spend it on flyers about how "Coca Cola kills" or that President Bush is the terrorist and not the Islamic extremists. That's a joke.
So, basically the next two days are going to be the worst two days on campus in 2005. Like I said, makes me want to graduate that much faster so I'm not stuck walking to class next to all these awful people.
I gotta get up in 5 hours, yuck. Goodnight.