conversation with tessa.

Dec 23, 2006 13:26

the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Omg kill me now
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I'm stuck in the back of a tarago with my family, who i'm pretty sure no longer like me, listening to such classics as great southern land
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
where are you going?
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I'm becoming suicidal
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I swear to god
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
We're in tassie
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
what the fuck are you doing there?
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I'm already in tears
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
are you burning in the bush fires? :/
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
If i had enough cash i'd be on my way home
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Family holiday with dad
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Kill me kill me kill me
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I wish! It'd be less painful
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
The worst part is, there's still a week left
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Okioki is saving me though
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I literally vomited from pain yesterday
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Frustration vomit
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Boredom vomit
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Hatred vomit
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Jealousy vomit
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
General angst vomit
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
And i can't even ring anyone cuz there's no reception where we're staying
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
Can you please post this conversation on your lj as Tess's pain so i can reflect at a later date
xJoshuax - Internet Grass is Always Greener says:
doing so now
the pope - no!!! setsuko!!!! lifey life says:
I love you
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