Geez.. Cory and Christen are definently multi-talented..
I have decided to keep the Lj but someday i`m gonna change the background and layout and what not
JeNn AnD cHrIsTeN cOmE hOmE sAtUrDaY! =)
Yes and I`m very excited!
Cheerleading on Wednesday wasn`t too bad at all.. the only bad thing was that Jenn wasn`t there =( But we barely did anything! And thats always good!
Last night was interesting.. I was talking to Jenn on the
phone and I have a beep, so I look at the caller id and it`s Joe freakin Swedish.. havn`t heard from him in a while! Nice to hear from an old "Friend".. anyways..
Today I`m just babysittin Trent and Averi and tonight I have no idea what i`m doin so if anyone has any ideas.. im all up for it! ;)
Well comment on this hott shit and ill just be sittin here with:
My husband Chelsea
My Mother Cory
My Father Christen
My Sister Cory
My Brother Cory
Dog Christen
Love, Jordan
[HoW aM i SuPpOsEd To FeEl AbOuT tHe ThInGs I`vE dOnE? i DoN`t KnOw If I sHoUlD sTaY oR tUrN aRoUnD aNd RuN. i KnOw ThAt I hUrT yOu ThInGs WiLl NeVeR bE tHe SaMe. ThE oNlY lOvE i EvEr KnEw I tHrEw It AlL aWaY]