valley of blood

Nov 29, 2006 07:32

here's the thing I wrote.
tell me what you think.

The shadow of Your prefect wings is counterfeited by my darkness
And My transgressions blot out the starlight

The Holiness you rest upon me is tarnished by my bleeding
As my small mind steals Your endless might

Who am i that the One who died should hold me in His arms,
For i mock the acts he took for me in grace

And why would He that defeated death, save me
By revisiting the grave?

This place is warn and treacherous, a depth too often felt
And the smell of of burning flesh and hair is a scent too often smelled

My God i must die again today
My body drowns within Your perfect flood

But i trust You Lord when You say You'll carry me
through this valley of blood


Ok so it's a shameless plug for Vob but that was actually the main idea. They wanted to write one of those huge break down songs where you just repeat the name of your band over and over again like so many bands have done.. This is what I came up with. It's probably nothing like that, and that's fine with me. any waaayy. I still kinda like it. the timing is screwy, but if delivered in the right way, it's not too bad. I like the depth of meaning in a few of the lines, like

"My God i must die again today
My body drowns within Your perfect flood"

We are called to die to our flesh and our sinful desires every single day. It's a sad thing that we must die to part of ourselves because that part of us is evil, but we have too. It's kind of a comparison to baptism. How baptism symbolizes your old self drowning and your new self rising again with Christ. Not in a sort of public declaration of faith kind of way, but in an old self dieing kind of way.. we are sort of baptized a new every day that we commit to God and die to self.

anyway.. tell me what you think.
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