May 30, 2007 02:11
A quick recap on this weekend.
Took the Clipper. $80 dollars later, was standing in downtown Seattle. Rad.
Called some people. Found out the show wasn't even in Seattle. To Tacoma I go.
15 calls later, no one in the area with room in their car.
1.5 hours later I arrive via city bus. Awesome.
Band highlights for me: The Answer, Sabertooth Zombie, Owen Heart, Outbreak, good times.
Set It Straight showed up. Met Brian, aka xbribrix. He let all of us sleep on his couch for 3 nights.
Thanks Brian.
He lived in Tacoma so we went straight to his house and passed out.
Woke up.. tried going to this place, "Quickies Too"
Two jamaicans own it. Vegan. Delicious. Pumped reggae and considerably racist posters on the wall.
It said they'd open at twelve. They just didn't come. Sweet.
Ran errands, acquired a wiffel ball and bat.
Booked it to Seattle for Day 2 of Rain Fest.
IN STRIIIIDDDDEEEEE. And Set it Straight. Blew me away. I could hardly believe it. Vanguard and Living in Ruins were fantastic.
After that we went to eat. I don't even know what it was called. I got a salad that was iceberg lettuce with a slice of chopped tomato on it. Gross.
Went all of the way back to Brians in Tacoma to sleep.
Afternoon. Accidentally slept in.1230. Tim(Trial) suggested we play Baseball. We agree, but before hand decided to try Quickies Too, one more time. Success. Open.
My new friend Tim(Owen Hart) suggested I ask for the Tim Wrap. He has his own wrap. Sheesh. BBQ'd Seitan. Amazing.
We go to some sweet park. Curt, Harry, and I show up to play Baseball 1.5 hours late. They are still into playing.
Our team won. I fucking suck at it, but now have a severe interest in playing catch.
I miss my oppertunity to go home even though I have work the next day. Sick.
So since I'm already screwed.. I decide to go to Olympia with the guys.
Not before we have a sweet wiffle ball game in an intersection using a roundabout as second base.
Olympia. More stunning than I remember.
Set it Straight and Sabertooth Zombie were awesome. Rad venue. Ping Pong table
After we went to the woods and tracked down a sketchy treehouse that allegedly Ted Bundy Murdered the fuck out of people.
After using a sketchy map that was like, "Find the L shaped tree, go off path into a trampled, wooded area. take 30 paces. there will be a slope, take a right and 30 more paces.." etc etc.. we found it. It was so fucking scary and pitch black and fun.
and cool.
Piled into the Van, went back to Tacoma.
I made it to the Seattle Clipper today after the Greyhound place lied to me about what time buses were leaving for Vancouver. Thanks guys.
I unfortunately didn't make it to work. Because life hates me. And probably so does my boss now. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. Fuck.
Set It Straight
Living With Lions
Breaking Point (FIRST SHOW!!)
James Bay Community Centre
140 Oswego St.