Nov 08, 2005 09:36
Just waking up getting ready to study for my IR test, I had a crazy thought. What if, somehow either we made contact with another life form, from another planet. You might be saying ok, I'm sure you have had this thought before Jon, well, let me finish. I guess I have never really thought about the consequences that would have. I'm not talking war of the worlds they are coming to kill us type. Just for the sake of arguement we'll just say they are peaceful, maybe just lonely and looking for intergalactic friends. They tell us there are more planets with life in other galaxies. -- This is what I am getting at. If there is life on multiple other planets, what happens to religion her. Not to sound like I hate everything (I know it comes off that way sometime .. get used to it) but I don't know how you could wrap the story of creation into that, unless you just assume that when the bible says God made man, that they were also referring to whatever other lifeform in the universe was called as well. -- Thus given my undying love for the current administration it made me think. Do they have the means to keep something like this hush hush? There would obviously have to be alot of international cooperation. But they might be able to agree that it is best that the rest of us don't know ? meh.... just some crazy thought I had trying to get my brain to work think morning
On a side note. TV evangelism is getting worse. There was an infomercial on the other night for "miralce spring water". You send this guy and his wife/girlfriend/maid/costar (not sure what she was, we'll assume wife I suppose, maybe just costar). He was talking about everyone's devine account. hmm apparently by targeting the poor people in America, getting them to send a whole US dollar to this man gives you the chance that you will get a check in the mail for $50 million or some outrageous number like that. Personaly I think that guy is drinking too much of his miracle spring water, but that is just me. This leads to a few questions for me. 1) our devine account happens to operate in US dollars, would this change depending in which country I was currently in? I would think it would be in Rupels or some older form of money, say, when the bible was written or something. And one more question, Since when did The United States become the Christian Mecca of the world ?