I have a bad stomachache and can't really eat anything, but I'm not letting it bother me!! Although I hope I can have my tea. I saved it up for today. D:
A few days ago I got an email about a live on the 4th with both the vambie AND elm going... and I really really wanted to go. xD;
But today there was a video uploaded from elm after the live AND I FEEL SPECIAL. Because I'm allowed to feel undeservedly special on my birthday.
The samples sound good too. :3 (Not like, spectacular, but they'd have to be a LOT worse for me not to listen to them. ♥)
AND THEN Kouki (from dauto) posted an English message in his blog about the awesomely amazing birthday book
13th-deity put together for him. Even if his birthday was a while ago. It was mostly for her of course but I'm in there too for a page so there was a lot of fangirling. x3 (Although I'm still terribly embarrassed about my stupid handwriting. Ah well. He read it!! *flail*)
So yes. Good birthday so far this year. Awesome.
I also sent fanmail to Corota since it's her birthday too. XD Except I had to send it yesterday.
I do miss my sister... if she's feeling better I might go bother her. And hug a cow.
*happy face*