Hi! First off, let my say that I'd love to hear from readers on this topic so click at the end where it says "leave a comment" if you are so inclined. Thanks!
Last weekend I had the unexpected pleasure of standing in a pretty awesome movie set. The best part of this set was that in a way it was in my own backyard. You see, I was at Union Station for an event and some savvy location scout had decided to use the historic and beautiful
Harvey House restaurant as a set. Now that I've been a docent at the Station for more than four years, it's like a second home to me. That's why it was so awesome to see the usually abandoned space all decked out and set decorated as a nightclub. It was like walking into your living room only to find that Extreme Makeover Home Edition had swooped in. Looking at the beautiful set, it got me to thinking...would
this movie be a hit, a flop, a nothing? Would it become a modern romcom classic no one expected (Legally Blonde, Love Actually) or dreck (literally hundreds of other movies)?
All this wondering led to remembering where I had been when I saw certain movies in my life. I'm not talking about my favorite films necessarily or "oh, I know I saw that movie once and really liked it," I mean movies that I remember EXACTLY where I was and what theatre I was at when I saw them for the first time. It's odd because I don't even own most of the ones I thought of, but there they are, solidly in my movie memory. Of the thousands of movies I've seen in my life here are some very vivid images:
The Cutting Edge-saw at Willowbrook Commons AMC with a group of girlfriends and afterward when one of them (Lori) said she didn't really like it, we were shocked and appalled
Fight Club-saw at 3rd Street Promenade, the last movie in a day of hopping. When I had gone in it was daylight and when I came out (I took the fire exit behind the screen) all the street performers and crowds were out and it was freaky
Dead Poets Society-saw with Holly and Mom (maybe Dad too) at Loews on 1960 that was near Easton Commons. We (Hols & I) did not react well to the ending. There may have been crying.
The English Patient-saw with G-ma at Tinseltown in The Woodlands. She let me pick the movie and she did not like it!
and two at-home vhs memories...don't know when I first saw them, but:
Big Night-saw on Cypress Forest with Mom and we fixed a big Italian dinner to eat while we watched it
Twister-saw in Parker Hall in Stillwater, OK. I was sick freshman year and wallowing in my dorm room...slowly but surely the room filled with my friends and we watched together until the last CGI tornado ended.
So how about you all? What movie viewing experiences are solidly ingrained in your brain for reasons clear or unclear to you?