Jan 17, 2005 16:33
wooooow today is sooo boringggg
last night ppl went to the movies..i did NOT feel like going idk why..i just didnt at all l0l idk just being at a movie whatever!!!!! and of coarse kristens parents were back by the time the movie ended so i couldve went over..and NICK was there l0l dammnnn ugh but the 3 day weekend was definitly fun though. =)
yeahhh so today was soo boring and i just sat around talked to Nick..kindof all day? butttt he said the funniest thing haha god i was histerical and i cant wait till he says it to me like in person l0l hhahah yeahh<3
anyway um im off to Chris' hockey game and its ilke 3 degrees outside sooo i need to get changed..
i love rachel kristen dana <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333