i love sundays, especially this sunday because it was sort of gloomy so i didn't have to feel too bad about not having much to do or wanting to do anything. i bought new underwear at target because, well, it was about time. the amazing thing i discovered is that they make BOXER BRIEFS for LADIES. i bought 4 pairs and they are totally awesome! i'm very anti- skimpy retarded underwear that is uncomfortable and is bad for your vag, so boy-like underwear is very nice. plus i can sleep in them and then do exercises in them in the morning. yay.
we also stopped by modest skate shop today because rob needed new shoes, and to say hello to matt, the store owner. rob was going to buy shoes at the mall, but i reminded him that a) a pair of lakai shoes would be way better than another pair of the ugly nikes they have out there, and b) maybe he should support a local business/friend instead of the mall. so we did that, and i bought this hoodie matt's had at the store for a long time that i've had my eye on (its part of the limited women's wardrobe he has).
another interesting find today was a magazine called 'russia!', which is about...russia. but in english! and seems very interesting. according to their website
http://www.readrussia.com, they have had two issues prior to the one i bought. the entire magazine is about russia, and that's pretty awesome, and i wish all countries had their own magazine that was as interesting, arty, and witty as this one seems. i say seems because i haven't read it yet, but i do enjoy the cover art which has two male astronauts kissing in the snow. i'm gonna hang that one up in my studio. =)
in other news, unrelated to the consumer megatron (which unfortunately, when written about in detail, sounds more fascinating than it should), i found out last night that i got into thhe 'feminist interrogations' art show at ARC gallery! i'm pretty excited but kinda nervous...i've only done art shows directly related to people i know or school, but never at a legitimate organization, so i don't know the ins and outs so well. i submitted 3 pieces that are part of a series, but they only want one of them....which is okay, but a bit lackluster in some ways. i can't complain though, i'm in and the more i exhibit, the better. the show isn't until june, so i think i will hunt down a nice vintage frame for the work until then.
i've also decided that i'm going to try to get into grad school for fall 2009 at the soonest. i can make it happen, it'll just take some changes and cooperation. my first choice is columbia's MFA for book and paper arts (which also has an interdisciplinary arts sub-focus). how awesome does that sound?!?! and its a major that would actually maybe lead to jobs in the book/print industry....ooh, or papermaking. yes, exciting times, these are.
i just did some exercises (after not doing any for a long time), and my body is a bit angry at me for that....it has forgotten what being in shape is like!! i'll work at it day by day.