haha schuman is so freakin dumb

Oct 17, 2004 20:07

the POLES surfer: hey baby
x08xJeSsIex08x: dude
x08xJeSsIex08x: dont freakin talk to me
the POLES surfer: wut?
the POLES surfer: oh come on?
x08xJeSsIex08x: jamaknsBESTwoman: hes gay
x08xJeSsIex08x: talkin bout you
the POLES surfer: kool
x08xJeSsIex08x: dont talk to me
the POLES surfer: FrOm tHe MoMeNt i MeT u ThErE wAs SuMtHiN SpEciaL bOuT YoU,
the POLES surfer: MaYbE iT WaS ThE wAy U sMiLeD aT mE oR tHe WaY u SaiD mY nAmE
the POLES surfer: Or MaYbE iT wAs JuSt An iNsTiNcT tHaT wE bELoNgEd 2GeThEr
the POLES surfer: WaTeVeR iT wAs, i'M sO gLaD u CaMe iNtO mY LiFe<3
the POLES surfer: i wrote that for u
x08xJeSsIex08x: oh thanks
the POLES surfer: ur fucking welcome
x08xJeSsIex08x: imma go lose some weight for you k?
x08xJeSsIex08x: dont talk to me until i do
x08xJeSsIex08x: ok?
the POLES surfer: but i suffer when i dont talk to u
x08xJeSsIex08x: im sorry
the POLES surfer: well can i at least hit first"?
x08xJeSsIex08x: but i have to punish myself
x08xJeSsIex08x: nope
x08xJeSsIex08x: go hit it w/hilliary
x08xJeSsIex08x: imma let kayla hit it and while she does i will be thinking of you
^ gosh he thinks hes so cool!^ lol

heres kayla n me!

x08xJeSsIex08x: hey
x03iDONTknow03x: hey
x08xJeSsIex08x: sup?
x03iDONTknow03x: nm u?
x08xJeSsIex08x: sitting here bout to finish my name thing
x03iDONTknow03x: cool cool
x08xJeSsIex08x: god richie is such a fag i swear
x03iDONTknow03x: wutd he do?
x08xJeSsIex08x: he took the phone away from me
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: hey baby
x08xJeSsIex08x: dude
x08xJeSsIex08x: dont freakin talk to me
the POLES surfer: wut?
the POLES surfer: oh come on?
x08xJeSsIex08x: im gonna kill schuman!
x08xJeSsIex08x: ugh!
x03iDONTknow03x: lmao
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: FrOm tHe MoMeNt i MeT u ThErE wAs SuMtHiN SpEciaL bOuT YoU,
x08xJeSsIex08x: lmao hes so freakin stupid
x08xJeSsIex08x: lmao
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: MaYbE iT WaS ThE wAy U sMiLeD aT mE oR tHe WaY u SaiD mY nAmE
the POLES surfer: Or MaYbE iT wAs JuSt An iNsTiNcT tHaT wE bELoNgEd 2GeThEr
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: WaTeVeR iT wAs, i'M sO gLaD u CaMe iNtO mY LiFe<3
x08xJeSsIex08x: lmao
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: i wrote that for u
x08xJeSsIex08x: oh thanks
x03iDONTknow03x: lmao
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: ur fucking welcome
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol hes just too much
x08xJeSsIex08x: i hate him
x08xJeSsIex08x: hes such a jerk
x03iDONTknow03x: lol im sorry
x03iDONTknow03x: block him
x08xJeSsIex08x: x08xJeSsIex08x: imma go lose some weight for you k?
x08xJeSsIex08x: dont talk to me until i do
x08xJeSsIex08x: he told me i needed to lose a couple of pounds
x03iDONTknow03x: lmao
x08xJeSsIex08x: well actually he told richie
x03iDONTknow03x: thats not too nice
x08xJeSsIex08x: and i take up too much of his space
x08xJeSsIex08x: so i was like btw i take up so much space HUH!
x03iDONTknow03x: thats mean
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x08xJeSsIex08x: oh well
x08xJeSsIex08x: hes gay!
x08xJeSsIex08x: did ya finish ur name thingy?
x03iDONTknow03x: yup
x03iDONTknow03x: its gay as fuh thp
x03iDONTknow03x: o*
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x03iDONTknow03x: yup
x08xJeSsIex08x: the POLES surfer: but i suffer when i dont talk to u
x08xJeSsIex08x: im sorry
the POLES surfer: well can i at least hit first"?
x08xJeSsIex08x: but i have to punish myself
x08xJeSsIex08x: nope
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x03iDONTknow03x: whoa
x03iDONTknow03x: jessica...can i hit is 1st?
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x08xJeSsIex08x: yea kayla anytime u want
x03iDONTknow03x: yes!
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x08xJeSsIex08x: i told him go hit it w/hilliary
x03iDONTknow03x: u should send that to shuman
x03iDONTknow03x: lol
x08xJeSsIex08x: x08xJeSsIex08x: imma let kayla hit it and while she does i will be thinking of you
x03iDONTknow03x: lmao
x03iDONTknow03x: show me wut he says
x08xJeSsIex08x: k
x08xJeSsIex08x: when he types bak
x03iDONTknow03x: i should i/m him n be like HAHA I GET UR WOMAN!!
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x03iDONTknow03x: can i?
x08xJeSsIex08x: sure
x03iDONTknow03x: yes
x08xJeSsIex08x: hes away
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x03iDONTknow03x: dam
x08xJeSsIex08x: i know
x03iDONTknow03x: i said fucker come bak!
x08xJeSsIex08x: lol
x03iDONTknow03x: didnt work tho
x03iDONTknow03x: lol
x08xJeSsIex08x: yea
^Kayla you will always be able to first!^ lol <3 ya!
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