Aug 18, 2004 19:31
Becca feels bad today! im sorry becca! i love you A LOT A LOT A LOT!! and i hope ya know that! and everything happens for a reason! i love ya girl!!!!!CSFL!
Im TaLkIn To My CuH-zZ-iNn kErRy N cArEbEaR cArRiE!
^ they are the coolest 8th graders alive!!!^
Today was pretty cool! i saw SAMI!!! i love her! lol like i said 50 million times!<3
ScHoOl WeNt OkAy-DoKaY!!
HuNg OuT w/LuIs At LuNcH aNd W/tHiS kId ZaChArY n HiS fRiEnD!
ThAtS pReTtY mUcH iT!!!
iMmA gO nOw!
I <3 my christian sister,my bestest friend in the whole world!,cuh-zz-inn,whoa-dee,home-ee,knife boii,scotty scott scott,Her,Me,You,carebear,kev-o, and that "kid" lol well
love love n more love <3 (*JeSsIe*)