
Jul 29, 2004 14:52

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

haha these things never seems to amaze me!

I am having Sami withdrawl i havent seen her since Sunday! that is an incredibly long time for me n my drug sami! i am addicted to her and no i am not gay or lez or bi or n e thing like that but yea i miss her! hopefully we have classes together that would be awesome! i freakin love you sami!

i was gonna make a website but since i cant imma put the cool stuff 2 my friends on here!haha

KeRrY-HeYa GuRl! YoUrE rEaLlY cOoL tO tAlK tO yOu NeEd To CoMe In ThE hOoD sUmTiMe!
((Cc Or CaReBeAr))
CaRrIe-HeYa YoUrE aWeSoMe! yA nEeD tO cOmE oVeR! aNd NoT bE sHy!
((LiL sHaNnA))
AdIsA-HeY hEy GiRlY! i MiSs Ya! yA nEeD tO cOmE vIsIt!

CrAzY dAyS,sCrEwEd Up NiTeS
ToNs Of CrUsHeS n StUpId FiTeS
SeCrEtS wE wiLl TaKe 2 tHe GrAvE
PiCtUrEs Well 4-EvEr SaVe
ThRu ThIcK n ThIn,aLwAyS tRuE
I dUnNo WhErE i'D bE w/o U
^took that out of sami's profile^
((SaMi PaJaMi))
SaMi-AwW i LoVe Ya 2! wHeN iM nOt WiTcHa I hAvE sAmI wItHdRaWl CuZ iM aDdIcTeD tO yOu!

*ThErE WaS dOuBle DaRiNg,PiNkY SwEaRiN*
*aNd VoWiNg 2 B FrIeNdS 4EvA*
*OuR iNtErEsTs In ToYs SlOwLy ChAnGeD tO bOyS*
*BuT wE'vE aLwAyS sTuCk 2GeThEr*
*We'D hAvE oUr FiTeS aT sLeEpOvA nItEs*
*ThAt DiDnT wOrK oUt As We PlAnNEd*
*BuT wE'd TrY 2 4gEt,No MaTtA hOw UpSeT*
*We'D tRy 2 UnDeRsTaNd*
*WeN i SaY i LuV u*
*I mEaN iT fRoM tHa HeArT*
*I'lL aLwAyS cArE aNd AlWaYs B tHeRe*
*LiKe U hAvE fRoM tHe StArT*
*aT oNe PoInT iN tImE*
*We'Ll SaY oUr GoOdByEs*
*BeCoMe AdUlTs AnD LiVe SePaRAtE lIvEs*
*BuT SuN oR rAiN, nO mAtTa WhAt WeAtHeR*
*Ur AlWayS mY FrIeNd, NoW aNd FoReVeR*
^fOr ShAnNa^
((sHaY sHaY oR sHaNnIzZlE bAnIzZlE!))
ShAnNa-AwW i MiSs ThE sHaNnA tImEs YoU aRe ThE bEsT! LoVe Ya
^tRuE bLuE bArNeY fAnZ fOr LyFe HeLl YeA nIkKa!^

((ReBa Or BeCcA))
rEbEcCa-hEy YoUrE mY cHrIsTiAn SiStA! lOvE yA!!

*fRiEnDs ArE fOrEvEr*
((gUyS aRe WhAtEvEr))
*~*wOrSt CoMeS tO wOrSt*~*
-mY gIrLiEs AlWaYz CoMe FirsT!-
^tHaTs To AlL Of My GiRlZ!^

((nIkKi NiCkEl Or nIcKeL pIcKlE))
Nichole-hey girl we havent hung out as much as we used to! i miss it! we need to hang out more! i love you and i will alwayz e your beerman((CLFL))

<3<3SaMi ShAnNa BeCcA CoY nIcHoLe RoBeRt n ScOtTy ScOtT sCoTt<3<3
^I fReAkIn LoVe YoU gUyZ^

R.I.P. TrAvIs BoNeY! DeC.21st 1990- MaY 14th 2004 we love and miss ya! may God let you rest in peace!

ShOuTz--2 Da OtHeR pPl
-SoVaNy-I lOvE yA! and if ya need me im here
-Robert-youre so sweet i love ya!
-Scotty-Youre cool i dont want you to move love ya!
-Andrew- youre so sweet and nice ! love ya 2!
-Coy-Hey Babe! haha i love ya! and you are 2 sweet!
-Nicole- I love ya too! too bad we dont have n e classes together!
-Michelle-I miss ya and im mad cus we dont have n e classes together
-Lindsey-hey girl i havent talked to you in like forever what classes did ya get?
-Kelly-Hey girl youre really cool to talk to and hang w/at church and at mrs.zenaidas have fun @ college!
-Alex-Hey Palangio!(did i spell that right) lol youre so crazy!
-Tiffany-Hey Tiff youre so cool i love hangin w/ya!
-Kevin Wayne-Hey dude! you are so crayzie! and a dork! i love ya and imma miss ya!
-Alex Finley-Hey dude! i havent talked to you in forever! i miss ya! imma miss not goin to school w/ya!
-Chris Macke-Man it sucks that we dont have classes together that wouldve been fun!
-Lizzie-Hey girl! hopefully we have at least one class together this yr! i missed hangin w/ya last year! love ya!
-Gracie-YAY! we have biology together! yay! hopefully we hang out more this year!
-Justin Martin-You say i dont talk to you you dont talk to me! you are really cool! im me sumtime! love ya!
-Lil Kayla-Hey girl i had a lot of fun w/you last yr! hopefully we have classes together and sit by each other in science!
-Mandy- man why do you have to move? i hope ya know that you have a lot of great friends that love ya and miss ya to death! i love you saggy baggy!
-Connie-Hey Batman! i miss ya and you are a great cousin i hope i see ya soon!love ya!
^i think that is all if i dont have u on here tell me!^

if ya wanna get a hold of me im me

email me

call me

Mrs.Zenaida-i thank God for you! you have helped me a lot through my walk with christ! i love ya to death! and i dont know what i would do w/out ya! thanks for everything! i love you!
okay i am done for now..me n richie didnt fight yesterday its a miracle im out now! and happy belated bday to my mommi by 1 day! and i wish you luck at the dentist sami!
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