Hey. So today Kim came over around 2:30pm. Then we watched her SP tape thing & some of the SP DVD until my mom got home...then we were off to the dentist. Oh boy, what fun. I got my cavity drilled. Haha I was scared. It was funny. Not really at the time, but hey. The man put berry stuff on my mouth! It smelled fruity. Then he INJECTED me with novicane. Scary needles man. Then I sat there by myself for 10 minutes while it numbed. Haha then he came and drilled me up, dogg. It didn't really hurt...it was just unpleasant feeling. It did hurt sometimes though. Eh, it's odd. Anyway, after the dentist my cheek was numb for like 3 hours! Haha yea we dropped Kim off on the way home. & I don't get my pictures til tomorrow now apparently because Brooke's "didn't have the 1 hour photo" according to my mother. Sure mom, sure. Yea then I came home, watched Lion King, went online, and my parents got McDonald's & it was tasty.
So Simple Plan is on Jimmy Kimmel at 12:05am. I expect all you fuckers to be watching it. OR ELSE. Bye.
1.What time is it? 11:23pm.
2.What is your name? Jen.
3.When is your birthday? April 28th.
4.How many sibs do you have? One.
5.What are your sibs names? Chris.
6.Do you have a job? Nope.
7.If yes, where? --
8.If no to #5, Where do you wanna work? Anywhere near her...County Stores, Dollar Tree, Cumberland Farms...yea anywhere, haha.
9.Do you have a car? No.
10.What kinda car do you have/want? I dunno.
11.Movie: The Fox & the Hound.
12.Song: Too many.
13.Band: Simple Plan.
14.Group: Um Simple Plan?
15.Singer: Pierre Bouvier. =P
16.TV Show: None.
17.TV Channel: Fuse.
18.Actor: Orlando Bloom & Johnny Depp & Adam Sandler.
19.Actress: Julia Stiles, sure.
20.Comic: *shrugs*
21.Magezine: AP.
22.Food: Pizza.
23.Snack: Chips.
24.Drink: Water.
25.CD-ROM Game: None.
26.Board Game: Twister.
27.Card Game: Uno.
28.Kid Game: CANDYLAND. Just kidding, I don't even remember that game. It was my favorite when I was little though.
29.Number: 13 & 14.
30.Cartoon: Angry Beavers, Spongebob, Scooby Doo & Daria.
31.Character: Patrick from Spongebob & Scooby.
32.Disney Character: Tod from Fox & the Hound. Even though I have millions of favorite Disney characters but that's okay.
33.Color: Red.
34.Hair Color: Brown & black.
35.Time of the day: 11am, and anytime after 7pm.
36.Day of the week: Friday.
37.Week of the month: None.
38.Month of the Year: June & July.
39.Do you plan on having children: Yup.
40.Do you want to get married: Yea.
41.How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: 20 or yea early 20s.
42.How old do you wanna be when your married: 20s.
43.Would you have kids before marriage? No.
44.What would you name the boy? Patrick, Jason, Joel, Noel, Jade..
45.What would you name the girl? Lily, Brooke, Jayde/Jade..
46.Are you a virgin?: I am.
47.If so, Do you plan on loosing your virginity ne time soon?: No.
48.Have you had oral sex?: Mhm.
49.Have you been past base 1?: Yup.
50.Do you even know what the bases are?: Yup.
51.Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): Nope.
52.Do you have a crush?: fjslkajfla NO! No I don't.
53.Music/TV: Music.
54.Guys/Girls: Guys.
55.Green/Blue: Green.
56.Pink/Purple: Pink.
57.Sleep/StayUp: Stay up.
58.Summer/Winter: Summer.
59.Spring/Fall: Spring.
60.Night/Day: Night.
61.Hangin Out/Chillin: CHILLIIIIIN.
62.Friends/Lovers: Friends.
63.Cold/Warm: Warm.
64.Fast/Slow: Fast.
65.New/Old: New.
66.Dark/Light: Dark.
67.Sparkle/Shine: Shine.
68.Peach/Plum: Plum.
69.Apple/Orange: Apple.
70.Laundry/Dishes: Laundry.
71..Christina/Britney: Christina.
72.Limp Bizkit/KoRn: Korn.
73.Rock/Rap: Rock.
74.Pop/R&B: Pop.
75.Glass: Car.
76.Shake: Dance.
77.Club: Dance.
78.Sing: Pierre.
79.Loud: Concert.
80.Garcia: That lame Nickelodeon show.
81.Hair: Me.
82.Ching: That rapper lump.
83.Money: Benji.
84.Work: School.
85.Play: Theatre.
86.4002: 2002.
87.Betty: Rugrats lady.
88.Sara: Maurice.
89.Dog: Rosie!
90.Brain: Head.
91.Nick: Geometry class.
92.Frank: Radlof.
93.AM: Morning.
94.FM: Radio.
95.PM: Night.
96.Morning: Sun.
97.Ball: Basketball.
98.Eminem: Fine.
99.Rap: Some is okay.
100.Teenagers: Teenager phobias! Haha. I was afraid of them when I was little. Yea they still annoy me, even though I am one.
101.Smoking: I don't care, I don't really want to though..
102.Death: Sounds good.
103.Life: Horrible.
104.Drinking: Sure.
105.Bomb Threats: Those aren't cool. Actually they're fun in school because we get to leave.
106.Murder: Mean...unless..yea.
107.Suicide: Sad.
108.Fear: Scary.
109.Who is your best friend?: Kim.
110.Who is the best person to hang with?: All of them.
111.Who is the sweetest person?: I'm not sure..
112.Whos the cutest person: Do I have to answer this?
113.Whos the nicest?: Kristen.
114.Whos the best to talk online with?: All of them.
115.Whos the most blonde: Kim & Jess.
116.Whos the weirdest: Brandy, Mat, um yea.
117.Whos the craziest: Me & Kim.
118.Loudest: Kim.
119.Quietest: Adam, Mat.
120.Smartest: Kristen, Chelsea.
121.Quickest: Eh?
123.Most Trustful: Kim.
124.Most Honest: Kim, Chelsea, Jess..etc.
125.Most Cheerful: Kim & Jess.
126.Are you glad it's almost done? Sure.
127.Are you bored? Yea.
128.What kinda mood are you in right now? Eh..okay I guess.
129.Did you have a good day today? No.
130.What are you doing tomorrow: Hanging out with Kristen & Brandy I guess.
131.What did you do today?: Got my cavity drilled.
132.Who sent this to you? No one, I took it from someone.
133.What do you think of this person: I don't know them.
134.Who do you think will be the first person to fill this out & send it back to you?: I don't think any sending will be done.
135.Who do you think wont even read it?: Brandy.
136.Do you want this to be done?: I don't give a fuck.
137.Do you think this is the last question: No, I'm not blind.
138.What time is it now?: 11:39pm.
139.How long has it been since you started?: 16 minutes.
140:Why is pickle juice green?: Because it's from a pickle?
1. Male or Female? Female.
2. Favourite colour? Red.
3. Favourite food? Pizza.
4. Celebrity crushes? Pierre & Pat from SP. Haha.
5. Hair colour? Brown.
6. How old are you? 15.
7. How much do you weigh? 130ish.
8. Do you like rock music? Yes I do.
9. Have you ever broken something and blamed it on someone? Probably.
10. What did you dream about last night? I don't recall.
11. Britney or Christina? I don't like either, but if I had to pick I'd pick Christina..
12. Cakes or cookies? Cookies.
13. KFC or McDonalds? McDonalds..
14. Do you want a tattoo? Yes.
15. Have you ever tried voodoo? Can't say I have.
16. Do you wish you were thinner? Yep.
17. What is the time right now? 11:51pm & I'll have to be going in a few to see my boys on the television...heh.
18. Have you got a pet? Yes, a few.
19. What’s worse falling over in front of your crush or breaking wind in front of them? Breaking wind...lmao what an expression.
20. Have you got a piercing? Yes, 4 of them.
21. Describe yourself in three words: Fun, funny, fun-loving. Lmao yay they all had 'fun' in them!
22. Do you believe in aliens? Yes.
23. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.
24. Do you like Halloween? I do.
25. How many teeth are in your mouth? I don't know, I don't often count my teeth.
26. Can you sing? I can.
27. Do you like playing dare games? Yea.
28. Are you a liar? Nope.
29. Have you got drunk before? Nope.
30. Have you got a religion? Yea.
31. How many fingers am I holding up? Five.
32. Can you roll your tongue? No.
33. What’s your favourite sport? Basketball & hockey.
34. What’s your favourite flavour ice cream? Mint chocolate chip.
35. Do you have any fillings in your teeth? Yea! I just got it today. *proud* hahah.
36. Can you send this survey to hundreds of people by email? I could, but I won't.
37. Would you ever go outside in your pyjamas? Yea.
38. Could you tell me your sizes of shoes and clothes? Shoes - 9, Shirts - Medium or small in some, Pants - 7 or medium.
39. Do you think self labelling is wrong? Sure.
40. Do you have anything which makes you individual? Um. Sure.
41. Do you smoke? Nope.
42. How old is your mother? I dunno. I don't keep track of these things.
43. What was your favourite toy when you were a child? My beaver stuffed animal.
44. What is your favourite band? Simple Plan.
45. What did you get for Christmas? Um let's see...CDs, DVDs, video games, a necklace, candy, random things...yea other stuff bye.
46. Have you got a phobia? I suppose.
47. Do you bitch about anyone and if so who? Yea...whoever pisses me off.
48. What is the worst form of punishment you could think of for a murderer? Torture.
49. Have you got a wrong or right answer? No please.
50. Heard of The Darkness, this great band from England? Yep.
51. Do you wear glasses? Sometimes.
52. Have you got a boy/girlfriend? Nope, & I don't want one, the lil fuckas. Heh.
53. Have you got an enemy? I guess.
54. Favourite film? The Fox & the Hound.
55. What’s your saying? There are a bunch & I can't fucking think ahh.
56. Can you count to 9,737,859 (nine million, seven hundred and thirty seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty nine)? No I cannot!
57. Do you have a habit? Sure?
58. Can you describe your bedroom? It's yellow with pictures on the wall & bunkbeds & a closet & a computer/desk & a nonworking small TV & a fishbowl with 2 fishies in it & some dressers. Yea. The floor's blue man.
59. What kind of shampoo do you use? Garnier Fructis.
60. Sick of chain letters? Mhm.
61. Do you have any qualifications? YES I DO DAMNIT.
62. Could you tell me any joke? Nope, sorry.
63. What’s your favourite fragrance? Vanilla & cinnamon are nice smelling.
64. Do you like comedy movies? Yea.
65. Do you get stressed? Yea.
66. What is 689,689 multiplied by 2? Do I care?
67. Do you have any hobbies? Mhm.
68. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? LOTR.
69. Can you tell me what question 17 was? No.
70. It was "what’s the time" what is the time now? 12:00am. I better be off! *finishes later*
71. Do you have a DVD player? Yep.
72. Name a famous tennis player: No thank you.
73. Have you got any sisters or brothers? Yea, a brother.
74. Have you done your homework? Not yet.
75. Are you sick of answering yet? Nope.
Have you ever...
Hit someone forcefully: Yep.
Seen "Are you Afraid of the Dark" Yea man.
Thrown anything at a moving car: Yep.
Been in a fist fight: Not really.
Laughed so hard you cried: Yea.
Hit an animal in the road? Nope. =(
Who do you sit with at lunch: It depends..but in my normal lunch I sit with Cheryl, Ashley, Cassie, Celine, Scott..and those folk.
Do you think Justin Timberlake is hot or not: No not really.
Who gave you a Valentine card this year: Leslie.
Favorite shoes you own: Converse.
What color would you dye your hair: Red highlights.
Who are you closest friends: Kim, Brandy & Kristen.
What is something you wish you could have that someone else has: Money & a guitar.
Favorite TV show: None.
Make-up or none: None .
Do you believe we landed on the moon: Yea.
What are you wearing now: Blue Scooby Doo shirt & jeans.
What song is stuck in your head: PEA PARADISE PUT UP A PARKING LOT. lmao.
How old are you mentally: 16
Describe yourself in 5 words: Fun, fun loving, funny, random, MUSICY.
Do you dream at night: Yea.
Do you remember your dreams: Sometimes.
Do you sleep with one pillow or two: One.
Do you like school: Nope.
Whats ur fave subject: English.
Do you have a best friend(s): Yes. HI KIMMY.
Do you have a religion: Yea.
Do you practice it: No.
Does death scare you: Kind of..not really.
Do you watch tons of tv: Nope.
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months: I dunno, not many.
Do you read magazines: Some.
Whats your fave band: Simple Plan.
Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year: Blink 182 (self titled), Count the Stars -- Never Be Taken Alive, The Ataris -- So Long Astoria.
Do you wear makeup regularly: Nope.
Are you a saver or a spender: Spender, BUT THAT'S STOPPING NOW. Haha.
More Junk...
Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most: Um ok. Kim. Bye.
Can you live without the microwave: Yea.
Who's phone number are you hoping to get: Pierre & Pat (SP). Ahahahah.
Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now: Same as above.
Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life: Pasta.
Football or rugby: Football.
What's something you ALWAYS have on you: Bracelets.
What do you think of guys with nailpolishes: Sexay. =P
What's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opposite sex: *shrugs*
What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you: *shrugs*
What's your favorite fastfood restaurant: Burger King.
Favorite book: Dreamcatcher, sure.
Did you read Fear Street books: LMAO I REMEMBER THOSE!
How about Sweet Valley High: No.
Babysitter's club: Yea!
Goosebumps: Yea.
Favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good): Rocko's Modern Life, Rugrats, Angry Beavers, Spongebob.
Do you like anyone: Yea.
If so, who: Pierre & Pat (SP). YAY.
Favorite cereal: Count Chocula, Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles, & Captain Crunch.
Favorite 80's television show: *shrugs*
Do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money: Yes.
What do you want for your birthday this year: My vacation damnit.
What movie do you hope you never see again: *shrugs*
What's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at: Outback.
What is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it: Pat. HAHAHA.
Do your clothes match: Yes.
Do you have a bike with a banana seat: Can't say I do.
Could you ride it: N/A MAN.
Have you lived in the same house your entire life: Nope.
What was the last song u heard: Simple Plan -- Get This Party Started (Pink cover, like whoa)
Find anything good on sale lately: Yea! My clothes yesterday, boo yea fucker.
If you won the lottery, what would you do: Buy things! & go to concerts!
How old is your tomagotchi: I REMEMBER THOSE!!!!!
Ever seen a Beatles film: No?
Happy with your life: Not really.
Name people you think of when you think of the color....
-red- Me.
-blue- Brandon.
-green- Kimmy.
-pink- Benji.
-purple- Mommy.
-orange- Kristen.
-yellow- Kim.
what was your fav color in....
-grade school?- Purple & blue or something.
-middle school?- Red & black.
-highschool- Red.
whats your fav color for eyes??(natural color)- Dark brown.
whats your fav color for hair?(natural color)- Brown or black.
last guy who called you,when did he call and his fav color- Pat, a few days ago, and I don't know his favorite color and I really couldn't care less.
last girl who called you,when did she call and her fav color- Kim, last night, green.
most flattering color on you- I don't know.
most non-flattering color on you- Dunnooooo.
fav color for a car- Black.
fav shade of blue- Light. fdsafsd except not
fav shade of green- Lightish.fdsafs
fav shade of red- Blood red. fdsafsa
fav shade of yellow- Normal.fdsfs
fav shade of purple- Kinda dark. *cannot explain*
fav shade of orange- Red orange.
fav shade of pink- Brightttt.
fav color- Red.
Name: Jen.
Age: 15.
DOB: April 28th.
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Height: 5'6"
<>Other Stuff<>
BF/GF?: Nope.
Crush?: Nope.
Favorite Color?: Red.
Favorite Food?: Pizza. Favorite Song?: Too many.
Fav. TV show: Don't have one.
Fav. Movie: The Fox & the Hound.
Fave Radio Station: 92.1, 101.1, 104.1
Fave. TV station: Fuse.
^When was the last time you...^
Cried?: Today.
Laughed?: Today.
Hugged someone?: Today, KIMMY.
Kissed someone?: A few days ago.
Danced with someone?: Few days ago.
Laughed at someone?: Probably today.
Gone to the movies?: Couple months ago I believe.
Sang?: Today.
Wrote?: Um a lotta days ago!
Sneezed?: Today.
Coughed?: Don't know.
Best: Kimmy.
Funniest: Kim, Kristen, Brandy.
Hottest: Pat if I must answer. BUT I DON'T LIKE HIM STOP. Haha.
Nicest body: Ahem.
Most Outgoing: Kimmy & I.
Most likely to be famous: Kim, Kristen, Brandy & I of course.
Shyest: Adam.
Funnest: Kim, Kristen, Brandy.
5. DO YOU LIKE MUFFINS? Yea, they rock my world.
6. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF MUFFIN? Chocolate chip, yay!
8. DOES THE COLOR GREEN TURN YOU ON? Oh yea, I masturbate to it every fucking night. I really do hope everyone caught that sarcasm..
About You!
1. Hi, how are you? Hi, fine, you?
2. Fine? I'm not feeling bad. How's the family? Good, good.
3. How old are you exactly? 15.
4. That young!! Geezus. Do you have any pets? Hehe. Yes.
5. Aren't you allergic? Nope.
6. Do you understand ghetto talk? Of course.
7. U do! Thats so aweessome, dude. Ever smoked? Yep.
8. No? How bout' did drugs? Nope.
9. Gee, you live a boring life. What's your music taste? Rock/punkish.
10. Heyy that's cool. Do you enjoy your life? No.
11. That's great. back to family.. what's your mom's name? Cheryl.
12. Dads? Mark.
13. Siblings? Chris.
14. Pets? Rosie, Pierre & Pat.
15.Are you always on your computer? Not always..
16. Well, why not! Because I have better things to do, anus.
17.Do you like to do anything that requires effort? Yea.
18. YOU DO! That's.. strange. Do you like to be organized? Sometimes.
19. Do you procastinate? Yep.
20. Do you like school? Nope.
21.Do you like to recieve mail, with your name on it? Yea, it's wicked fun man.
22. Do you have a lot of friends? Sure.
23. How many people, are around you at all times? Dude you have commas in random places. But uh...3.
24. DO you have online friends? Yea.
25. How many online people do you have? There are 200 people on my buddy list. The end.
26. Are you a follower or a leader in your friends? *shrugs*
27. Out of all your friends... who would you say.. that you would eat first if you were on a deserted island? EWW no one.
28. Who would you eat last? I'M NOT EATING PEOPLE YOU ANUS.
29. Would you ever think about a friend, before yourself? Yea.
30. As a child, were you a big fan of sleepovers? Yea.
31. How many little friends do you have living inside your head? Zero. =(
32.Out of all your friends: do you believe that there is a mediator? If so, who? Yea, Kristen. HAHA CHUCKUMS.
32. Or a Comic? If so, who? *shrugs*
33. How bout' a devil? If so who? AW CRYSTAL! lmao.
34. How bout' one that is just there? If so, who? lmao Mat. Nah like all of us are 'just there.'
35. Do you believe your social life is perfect? Um no.
36. DO you have dreams of killing your friends? No.
37. Food? Pizza for the 5834994th time.
38. Color? Red for the 5849534437th time
39 TV Show? I don't have one.
40. Song? Too fucking many.
41. Favorite animal? Puppies, foxes, eagles.
42. Favorite Website? simpleplan.com
43. Favorite Email server? Excite.
44. Fabric? Soft stuff.
45. Shoe Store? I dunno.
46. Deodorant? Secret.
47. Perfume? Don't know.
48. Boy's name? Joel, Patrick, Noel, Jade, Jason..
49 Girl's name? Lily, Brooke, Jayde/Jade.
50. Favorite CD? Simple Plan.
51. Soda or Pop? Soda.
52. Live or Die? Live.
53. Purple or Green? Green.
54. Cat or dog? Dog.
55. Boat or train? Boat.
56. Typing or writing? Typing.
57. Study hall or prison? Study Hall.
58. Friends or Foe? Friends.
59. Periods or commas? Periods.
60.CD-Rom Games or Online Games? Online games.
61. Phone or Online Chat? It depends what kinda mood I'm in, haha.
62. Internet: Research or commuication? Communication.
63. Sprite or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper.
64. Mountain Dew or Pepsi? Mountain Dew.
65. Doctor Appointment or School? School.
66. White out or redo? White out.
67. End Hunger or End Crime? End hunger.
68. A million dollars, what would you do? Buy stuff.
69. A brand new car, and your 16th birthday... what would you do? Uh, look at the car. Drive with friends, yay! WE CAN ROCK OUT GUYS. lmao.
70. Nice handsome girl/guy that loves you and only you, what would you do? Be quite happy.
71. Moving anywhere in the world? Where would you move too? Australia.
72. Moving anywhere in the USA? Where would you move too? Florida.
73. Moving anywhere in your town? Where would you move too? Kimmy's apartments, haha.
74.Where would you move your computer if you could? Leave it here...or the TV room maybe. But I dunno.
75. What's one thing that would amuse you, to see your parents do? *shrugs*
76. Do you believe in love? Yep.
77. What is your chance of finding a girl/guy of your dreams? I dunno.
78. What age do you think you'll be when you meet that special someone? How the fuck should I know?
79. What age is it when you think that you'll be married? 20s
80. Having kids? Yep.
81. Getting in family/in-law conflicts? Nah, fuck off.
82. If you could love anyone, dead; alive; rich or poor who would it be? Pierre or Pat (SP).
83. Juice or Milk? Juice.
84. Pens or pencil? Pens.
85. Sweets or fats? Sweets.
86. Dimes or nickles? Dimes.
87.Webcam or video camera? Video camera, YAY.
88. Sandles or tennis shoes? Tennis shoes.
89. Batteries or electrical outlets? Electrical outlets.
90. Fire or Water? Water.
91. What do you think of the person who sent this to you? No one sent it.
92. Who do you think will be the last person to send this back? No one.
93. Who will be the first? No one, it will not be sent so eat shit & die.
94. Who will erase this and not read it? Who knows?
95. Who will just not check their email for a couple months? That'd be Kim. Haha.
96. Who will IM/Email you 24 hours after you send this and yell at you for sending it to them? No one, it's not being sent anus.
97. Do you think people should fill this out? Yes. They should.
98. Would you get mad, if you got no response from any of your friends? Yea, I'll have to spaz & disown them.
99. Did you enjoy my survey? Sure.
100. It's done! Final question. Is your boredom you had when you started this survey, gone? Yea! Because I watched Simple Plan in between..but yea. Haha.