(no subject)

Nov 02, 2005 19:35

Wow I sure haven't been writing lately... too preoccupied with other things I suppose. I've been a busy bee lately.

Thursday was our show at the J&M. It went really well aside from my amp sounding funny, and Joe's amp cord fucking up. And me messing up a few times. Other than that, it was real good. That Saturday we played at the A Lesson In Chaos Halloween house party. It was actually really cool. My Ron Burgundy Halloween costume didn't really turn out the way I had hoped... I think I looked more like a mix of Charlie Chaplin and Hitler, unfortunately. The main problem was the wig we bought didn't work out, so we dyed my hair... but we didn't have brown hair dye so we dyed it black. Ah well. We played really well. We didn't bring my amp since it's been rattling... so I got to play through ALC's 8x10 Ampeg bass amp. Freakin awesome that thing is.

After we played, Erin, Liz, Shaina and I drove to Liz's to get her toothbrush and L Word DVDs and then went to Walmart in our costumes. Shaina was a hot cowgirl, Erin was a bee. Liz was just hot :) We got some movies and then headed home for our weekly sleepover.

Sunday we got up to go house hunting but ate at Old Country Buffet first. I accidentally bumped into Liz and knocked her plate out of her hand and she burned her finger really bad on the mashed potatoes. Poor Liz!!! After eating we tried to look at some houses but people don't like to call us back, so we didn't see ANYTHING! After that we went to Blockbuster and got Soul Survivors. We really only wanted to watch because of Eliza Dushku but that movie made no sense whatsoever!! Weird. Then we watched Coyote Ugly, 40 Days and 40 Nights, The Upside of Anger and the Ellen DeGeneres Here and Now special. Then we all went to sleep. Shaina woke up at 2am and quit her job at UPS. She also applied at my work that day. They are against hiring friends but they were desperate for people immediately.

Anyway, Shaina came over last night and we watched Sleepy Hollow. Well we watched parts of it. Fell asleep in the middle of it. After it was over she headed up to Liz's to spend the night. She got up early this morning and came to pick me up and we headed to work together for her first day! I got about 4 small orders done and aside from that just worked on the GameTime and Element orders that need to go out asap. Evelyn, another new girl Collin hired started today too, around 2pm. She seems really cool. And tomorrow a girl who works at Toys in Babeland is starting work. Amazing. Josh also hired the girl with tattoos on her neck to be our new sales rep and she is HOTT. She walked into the room and was like "hey" to Shaina and she was like oh my god. Seriously... it's too bad she's in her own office all day with no one to stare at her :)

After work Shaina dropped me off. I've been bored ever since I got home cuz Erin is working late and there is nothing to do really. Shaina will probably be heading over pretty soon though, at least for a couple hours. Then she might stay at Liz's again. And then come back to pick me up in the morning to head to work.

And there is my update for the past week!
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