(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 14:16

Sooooooooooooooo it's very strange... my birthday is in three days and it sure doesn't feel like it's coming up.

I'm going to be 23.

Such a weird age. Right between 20 and 25. An awkward time I think... kind of like being 19. Already 18 but not quite 21.

To celebrate, Erin and my parents and I are going out to dinner on my birthday. The next day, Liz, Shaina and I are driving down to Portland to see Northern State and Tegan and Sara. Day after that, Northern State will be at the Crocodile and I will be first in line.

Tonight is continuing on with a new ritual... where Liz and Shaina spend the night, and the four of us (Liz, Shaina, Erin and I) spend our Sunday looking for a house we can all rent. We are trying to think of a name for the house...but maybe that will come after we find the house. We found one last weekend that is just 13 blocks north and 2 blocks east. A cute little 3 bedroom. One bedroom is tiny... so we would make that the office. And we would make the dining room Shaina's room (she's dying to have a room that isn't really a bedroom). The guy that lives in the apartment downstairs from the house is very cool. He used to be a heavy metal drummer and now does jazz stuff, so he wouldn't have a problem with noise if there ever were any. As soon as Shaina mentioned we were in a band, he was very excited. I need to drop a CD off for him still.

Speaking of the band... I got recognized yesterday. I was at Suncoast and the guy behind the counter was like "You look familiar... are you in Alabaster?" I said "Yes I am" and he said "Bass player?" I said "Yup" He said "Jen, right?" It was very strange. It ended up being that he's in the band The Fizzgigs, who we played with at The Funhouse, but still it felt nice that someone recognized me. Still real weird.

And apparently yesterday, Shaina's friend Jess got a message on myspace from some girl who was like "How did you get a picture with Shaina from Alabaster? I'm so jealous!" Freakin weird.

I have to clean up the house cuz of course it's a sty again..which sucks because for a while there it was staying clean. Me having a job and being tired all the time from lifting isn't helping.

BUT I do still love my job. All the guys I work with are awesome. Scott is like a big teddy bear. I wish I knew a straight girl I could hook him up with. He's very sweet.

Anyway, off I go a cleaning.
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