so as most of you know my vacationing in cali and mexico was really good for me and much needed too. it was a good time and ive got the pictures to prove it... sucka!
at the openair market in mexico
>P>tanning on the ship
our russian waitresses
haha the mexican buggy!
LUIS RIOS!!! aka Louis Rivers... "dont worry, be happy, NO FEAR!" haha
boarding "THE FUN SHIP" hahahahaha
the "blow-hole" haha ew thanks luis rios
those are from mexico.... i'll post pics from Cali once they get developed... if you want to see them.
The Content: Shopping on Redeo Drive, Universal Studios in big yellow ponchoes, flexing with the hulk, our heads in Jaws' mouth, etc etc.... inform me if you wanna see. But for now im going to try to get some rest. goodnight. xo*