
Nov 24, 2007 21:00

& I don't know why.

I mean, I'm home for the thanksgiving break..since Tuesday.  And now its a Saturday night, and instead of hanging out with people im sitting inside, not doing anything.  Just being depressed and stuff.  Can I BE any more emo? I felt the same last night.  It was so weird, I missed peter & my dad and hanging out with them so much that instead of hanging out with britni, jill, chris & sara b. downstairs i came upstairs just to randomly talk to my Dad for like 20 mins at least.  It's so weird. I don't know what it is.. all I know is that when Christmas break ends .. Im going to cry my eyes out & it'll be like going away to college all over again.

Srsly.. why does life suck sometimes? In highschool..you're all comfortable and then randomly they're like OH. YEP YOU'RE GOING TO COLLEGE, PEACEOUT.  & you're like... ripped from a comfy environment to one you don't know and people you might not know, away from home and parents and work [for some] and you're like... okay then?
& then they randomly give you 6 weeks for xmas break and then they expect you to go back to college no probs.
[and when i say 'they' i mean.. people who make you go to college or something..]

But whatevs. Ill get over it.  Moving on to how much work; no,no- JOSEPHINE- sucks right now.  I mean wow.  My manager is FUCKED UP.  I hate her. My first day back to linden ponds and she gives me the worst review in the history of reviews.  I was ready to put in my 2 weeks right then & there but i didnt because i had tables and I wanted to run to the bathroom so no one would see me cry.  That woman is heinous and horrible and basically if death on a stick inhabited a person, then she would be it.  I cannot wait until she gets thrown in jail or fired because she molests someone or murders someone.  She is pure evil.
So.. I might have to quit my job and Im not too excited about that because LP is a cult and ... you make amazing best friends there. so it sucks if i had to leave.  Thats why Im working on doing somehting on the side, possibly PJ's for 6 weeks for xmas break, or 99 with britni.  Idk yet.

All I know is that I want it to be xmas break so I can have a little bit of normality and routine for once this year.  
So it's about 19 days until the last day of classes.. and if I have my 3 finals during that week and not the week of the 17th, then I can leave friday the 14th and have an extra week of vaca until Jan 29th when I have to go back to school.

ps. i love peter & our 2 years is in 33 days exactly :)
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