Jun 21, 2006 17:15
This first few days of summer have been really boring. I don't like sitting around on my fat ass gaining weight from doing nothing. I actually wish I was in school. I have this huge fear of gaining weight so I'm basically depressed. Its GREAT. Thank God conditioning's starting up soon, so I can loose all my disgusting fat! Come September I'm thinking of having lost.. around 15 pounds maybe. hooray!
Work was alright yesterday, Im so quitting that job soon. Jill got her license , congrats babe! Last night was fun, peter came over and we had fun as usual. Today has been uneventful so far. I've been watching America's Next Top Model re-runs since like 1. Yeah I'm lazy, whatev. Britni and Jacqui just came over and visited for like 2 seconds and we played with makeup. It was fun times. Peter's coming over soon, we'll probably go into Boston or do something fun like that. ..ok time to vent:
1) There are some things that are really pissing me off lately. I feel like im on the outside of plans and everything, and I'm not liking it too much. I mean I can understand if certain people are busy with their own friends but seroiusly, call me once in a while? And dont give me some lame "Oh I can't wait to hangout we should do that soon!" or "OMG LETS DO THIS 2GETHR!" Well #1- its soon, and #2- Who are the people involved in the together your talking about? Becos I haven't hungout with anyone except for Amanda in this past month, so the whole "omg we're going to be inseperable this summer" is seeming to me as a way to just change the subject and move on from the whole problem at hand. Yep. just keep on forgetting about me, it's kinda neat?
2) Another thing, what the hell is going on lately? This whole omg lets be friends again thing is dumb if you ask me. People have spent more time talking shit about other people and now they want to be ohhh BFF's all of a sudden? Well thats going to start problems. So.. Jealousy + Exclusion + Feeling fat = SUMMAH 06' I can't wait!
oh + btw, I''ve tried to tell you before but you just get sarcastic and ignore it so f-t's