Sep 09, 2009 02:20
siked about:
-mom doing better.
-acting in my first horror film on sunday.
-r.w. asking me to 'show' him pet sounds.
-squashing drama whenever possible.
-yard is getting awesome.
-meditated this morning-actually felt like something happened this time. something outside of me falling asleep, that is.
-living closer to amanda, i think it'll be nice to re-connect with her after all these years.
-sara c. moving back up here in october, to have a fellow weed smoking babe to join the clutch.
-mary and alec moving up here in november!!! its going to be great.
-craft club/knitting dates with becca bell this fall.
-doing shit that i want to do, solo if i have to. why spend so much time waiting for everybody else!?
not so siked about:
-forgetting tristan's birthday this past week.
-bummer belly all weekend last weekend.
-i miss people. i need to have more money for visits, but work is kinda slow right now.
-bug bites. i got maimed by mosquitos this weekend working on the backyard.
-having to wait to find out if my mom can get surgery or not. if not then she has to get chemo 2x a month until she dies.
-fall coming and me not being able to afford to get all the shit that got ruined in the rain last summer replaced, still.
i just watched the love of my life elijah wood on jimmy fallon, dl'd the new jay z, and am considering a 3am bubble bath, because I CAN : ) plus, having a claw foot tub basically completely lends itself to taking sweeet baths.
anyway, more eventually.
hi mullin and any other lurkers.