the o.c is lovebrought to you by the
isLove Generator pina coladas are lovebrought to you by the
isLove Generator john mayer is lovebrought to you by the
isLove Generator WoW that is amazing i love JoHn MaYer ThE O.C aNd PiNa CoLaDaS!
Well cheer is crazy .. i hyper extended my elbow it hurts like a mother.. our team is going crazy everyone is getting sick and hurt and i exspecially miss MaDiSoN its definitly not the same without her at practice. We have a scrimmage tomorrow this should be intresting .. im supposed to tumble with a cripple arm yeah lets see how this goes ...
Lots of things on my mind but not enough time to write so im out <3
<-* Put your arms around me .. what you feel is what you are and what you is B e A u T i F u L *->