Title: The Future’s So Bright (Part 5)
xjekkixWord Count: 630 words
Summary: Sometimes things have to fall apart before they can be fixed.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is not real.
It’s early morning when Lindsay’s phone rings. She wants to ignore it; she’s too busy listening to Samantha talk about just about anything.
But she answers the call and snaps back to reality. Her neighbour is worried, wondering why she didn’t return last night to pick up Monroe. It’s her first lapse in responsibility in awhile. She feels guilty and apologizes profusely, knowing her excuse isn’t a good one - at least not to anyone else.
“Everything okay?” Samantha asks, her eyes tired. She takes a final sip of her sixth cup of coffee and yawns.
“Yeah, but I should get going. I left my dog with my neighbour last night and I need to go pick him up.” She downs her own coffee and stands up. Her legs and back are stiff from sitting for so long.
She looks at her watch, still having trouble believing how long they sat and talked. It has been months since their last encounter, but who knew they would have so much to say to each other.
They talked about Lindsay’s new movie, their mutual friends, music, television shows. You name it, they talked about it. It takes them both back to the beginning, when they were constantly learning new things about each other. Time apart has allowed them to develop new interests and therefore something new to discuss.
“Alright,” Samantha says, leaving money on the table for the waiter. She stands by the table, encouraging Lindsay to walk ahead. “Ladies first.” Lindsay laughs, remembering one of the things that first drew her to the girl - her refreshing sense of humour.
She would never deny that Samantha was not the sort of person she would have normally gone up to talk to. But something about the way she smiled when she laughed, the way she moved her hands when she talked and the way she looked at Lindsay like she was the only girl in the room convinced her to take a chance.
They walk peacefully back to their vehicles, coincidentally parked one in front of the other. Both stop dead in their tracks, ignoring the early morning traffic that would take away from this serene moment.
“Can I see you again?” Lindsay asks, her tone of voice as bashful as her expression.
Samantha thinks for a moment though she already knows the answer, finally nodding. “Of course you can.”
Standing awkwardly in front of each other, Samantha bends her ankle to the side shyly and looks down at her fresh pair of skytops. Lindsay stands on her tip toes and thrusts her hand forward, in position for a handshake.
“Thanks again for coming.”
Samantha looks down at her hand and laughs sarcastically. “Not gonna hug me?” she asks, pulling her hands out from her pockets.
“Um, I just didn’t want it to be weird. Did you want me to hug you?” Lindsay stutters.
“Only if you want to,” Samantha says, equally unsure.
They both go in awkwardly for the embrace, fumbling arms and bumping shoulders. All obstacles aside, they hug each other reservedly, both trying not to grasp too tightly. Just as they expected, it feels tremendous - warm and homey, like snuggling into a crisp sweater fresh out of the dryer.
The hug lingers a little longer than one shared between just friends but not long enough to be considered intimate. Smiling contentedly, they part ways with generic good byes.
Inside their respective vehicles, they power up. Samantha shifts into gear, driving south. Lindsay does the same, pointing her car to the north. They both come to a stop at separate red lights and hold firmly on their steering wheels.
With barely moments to assess the happenings of the night, they both - unbeknownst to the other - say in unison, “I need her in my life.”
Super short update but I'm falling asleep. Will have more by tomorrow afternoon!