Jan 22, 2005 10:42
Sigh... making up excuses so i dont have to see people is wrong. and its reAlly wrong when i do it in order to see someone else...and i know its gonna cOme back and bite me in the asS so hard. but im willing to except that paiN.(maYbe it wiLl get rId of some seXual frustrAtion?). scHool is another pain in my aSs. over it all, especially the rouTine of it all. same people, same problems, same woRk. over iT! a yEar and 5 months left... damn. where does the time go? i could have sworn that i was just in the little theater as a freshman, watching jeNyfer watching daVid. and now.. look where tHat has gone. LoL. well, i guess that in the long run i wilL def. miss kiLlian but probably not until im like in my 2nd year of colLege. ya know? then i will reaLize how good i actually had iT. but then again...hindsigHt is 20/20.
i'm so...emotioNally fruStrated, gaiNing weighT, and bRoke. i need to get out and get away fRom life fOr a bit... any suggeStions?
<3, JaYmI