I felt it was necessary to explain what happened to me today. So, I'm just minding my own business outside on the back side of my school working on a photography project. My teacher said I could go outside to work on it and since I'm the only person in the class, she let me go alone. There's a big lawn mower mowing the grass about 15 feet from me near a baseball field. I don't think anything of it and continue working THEN bam. I get hit by something on the side of my neck that hurt like a mother. I drop the can of glue I had and instantly grab my neck. The lawn mower guy points to himself like "was it me?!" I start crying and then he goes and gets some of the teachers to help me. Do you understand how this kind of stuff ONLY HAPPENS TO ME? They walked me inside and after about 10 minutes I start cracking up. This is crazy. I was just shot by a baseball by a lawn mower haha! School was over in about 10 minutes then my mom to me to the doctors. I thought I would share with you this event. Personally, I think it's quite comical but at the same time I feel sooo lucky that I didn't get hurt worse. I got to keep the ball! I tried to get it signed by the lawn mower guy but he was back to work and I couldn't get ahold of him. (see picture for said ball) Oh how my life always seems to entertain me!
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