Jan 26, 2003 13:14
A - Age: 20
B - Band: Right now? taking back sunday
C - Choice Of Meat: i'm a vegeterian
D - Dream Date: johnny depp, serj tankjin, engine down, him
E - Excites You: that i'm going to see motherthumpin AFI this summer
F - Favorite Food: mexican
G - Greatest Gift: my runic script ring and the tickets to staind like three years ago.
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: when jonathan gave me the tickets for stained for valentines day 2001.
I - Internal conflicts: never knowing what i want to do
J - Jealous: talented people, pretty people.
K - Kool Aid: CHERRY.
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own: my heart
N - Name: audrey elizabeth
O - Outfit: jeans army belt wifebeater chucks
P - Pizza Topping: n/a
Q - Question I want to ask: WHY?
R - Roots: German/Irish/polish/native american
S - Sport to watch: skateboarding,soccer
T - TV show: im a disney teenybopper whore
U - Unique habits: getting my heart broken or dented every few months
V - View from the window: grace street or brick wall
W - Weather I Love: spring
Y - Yesterday's best meal: homemade pizza
Z - Zodiac Sign: sag
i think the weather is starting to effect people. everyone i know is in a bad mood. including moi. my mom told me to take a year off and move down to GA with my sister. i'm totally contemplating doing that. i adore my parents they honestly just want me to be happy. i'd be completely happy just breeding. but that isn't for a long time yet. so until then i get to struggle with the idea of transfering to the art school and being massively behind or sticking to enviro science and hating it every second. my puter is fucked up . i've had to reinstall so many things in the past few hours its ridiculous. i'm about to kill this journal. its past its point of amusement for me. things i say in it always bite me in the ass. i'm missing people horrendously and i'm not even susposed to be missing them cause i know they don't miss me.
gonna get off of here now cause this is coming precariously close to being an emo whiney rant.