Now if that isn't sexy...I don't know what is. Ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to introduce you to my new best friend... The yellow sweety
showtime creature from the pop up adds. He loves you. <3 Very very much. My
sister and I are quite bored tonight, so we've decided that he is the
most amusing thing, in the whole entire universe. In celebration of
this, I even wrote a poem, which I may extremely retarded.
Lets hear it, shall we?
I was writing this about my sisters pretzels she left in the computer room. wtf. ew?
You left your chewed on pretzels, in plain sight.
I've been staring at them, nearly all night.
But that yellow thing makes me feel alright.
I am happy, content, and filled with delight.
Now you can all go to bed slightly more enlightened. I've done my job. Goodnight. =)