Dec 01, 2005 21:59
Long story short, the first day of summer has certainly been a good one. Fucking sweltering heat in a car with no air con was a barrier that was overcome. T-Dawg and I picked up Nic and Aleks on the way to see EVERY TIME I DIE and PARKWAY DRIVE. Car antics are always good.
Pretty much I got elbowed on the top of the head by the most annoying dude I think I've ever come across. He got in my way every time I danced. And the worst part was, I did what would have been an awesome roundhouse right at the end, and the fuckhead stepped right into it, so I pretty much kicked him in the head and he ruined my kick! Grr. Parkway Drive were goooooood, but the set seemed really short. Afterwards Luke was saying they ran out of time. Boo.
Every Time I Dizzle were reeeeally good, I was so impressed. I haven't heard the new cd so I didn't know all that many songs. But the ones I did know I was stoked to be hearing!!! Afterwards I took a photo of Nicci Smash and ETID. Then they all went to get in the van and Andy goes "Hey, wait, another photo!" Because Nic said I should get one too. He seemed like a really sweet guy and does good photo poses. Does someone want to give Chris Byrnes my number?
I hurt my shoulder, I think I pulled a muscle. This is not so good considering my grading is in three days, haha :|