Oct 15, 2004 22:11
Okay I just watch Degrassi and saw Emma (played by Miriam McDonald) on there. Now I dunno why but I think she's hot which is weird because I'm not very attracted to white girls. But for some reason I am to Miriam McDonald. Now the even weirder thing is because she's definately not the hottest white girl i seen but... I dunno. What I do know is that she surely "grown" since when i first saw her. She's not the skinny/boney, flat-chested girl anymore but a well-figured young women. Hm I also noticed she got her braces off which is an improvement.
Oh yeah Report Card time!
Acting (Aden): A-
Plays & Playwrights (Higgins): A-
TV/Film (Romano): A
Geometry (Gibson): B (WTF I had a 89.somethin! Bitch)
French (Cowart): A
English Hon II (Price): A-
Chemistry Hon (Purcell): Purcell
Art History (Grossman): C (...could of had an A....)
5 As
2 Bs
1 C