May 18, 2005 13:57
Im sitting next to hastle right now ... bored as usual. This is our like last day of school with all of the seniors here awww how sad.Mr.Brownlie got us all some breakfast it was good and then he read some speach for all of us it was so sad but cute. He is a great guy to say the least!
Im so excited for tonight Jr. Sr. banquit and yah know the video is going to be sad but kewel ahh im excited !!!!!! Good food will be there as well lol and we get our awards for mock elections. I dont remember what ones I got though besides craziest driver, which i earned that one haha.
Tomorrow I need to take my exam for America @ War so im kinda scared about it, besides that i realy have nothing going on tomorrow. But friday is beautification day then we are going out to zabros and such. I dont know whats goin on friday night i was supposed to go out with sada but i forgot to get her number so who knows if that will happen. Ahh so much shit is going on right now i have to do my broadcasting project too i forgot about that.
This saturday is relay for life and us girls dont walk untill like 4:00-4:30 in the morning and we need to be up that at 9:00 pm for the opening ceremony so that is going to be a long ass night. Then the next day sunday i have to work from 2-7 blah that sux i hate working. Im not sure if the girls are all getting together sunday night or not but we have to be up at the school at like 5 the next day for cedar point ... I will for sure be sleeping the entire way down. Omg thats honestly not even half of the shit i need to get done this week!!!!!!!! Ah. but ok nicole is reading all of my Shit on here before i post so i gtg
peace out home dogs